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Thread: Difference between beginner/beginning BASE Canopy/Container

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  1. #1

    Difference between beginner/beginning BASE Canopy/Container

    Hi all, just one beginner question:
    is there any way to understand if there are differences between a FLICK, a TROLL MDW, an ACE canopy? Or between a PerigreeII, a ApexDP or a ZAK2?
    The aim is: if a beginner would like to buy is first base canopy/container for a FBJC (he would like to use the canopy in a skydiving equipement, he'd like to learn pack, to assemble and disassemble every piece, etc...), considering him without a mentor and without experience, which elements he has to consider in his choice (except the size, available in any model, except the valve, mandatory in every choice, and except the color :-D)?
    Should he simply follow the advices of the people who organize the course he will attend?
    Thanks to all for your precious comment.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Difference between beginner/beginning BASE Canopy/Container

    I would recommend looking in the Wiki first:
    Category:Gear - BASE Jumping:: BLiNC Magazine Forums

    And specifically the page about My_First_BASE_Rig

  3. #3

    Re: Difference between beginner/beginning BASE Canopy/Container

    I already read them, more than once. I found a lot of good advice, most of them I'm sure I'll follow. But i didn't find the differences between the canopy I mentioned and between the containers I mentioned (all the canopies have mdw/vtec/valve and all the containers have dual pin closing system). That's why I asked for some more specific and probably unuseful information for a beginner. Moreover my english can express in he right way what I was asking for, I'm sorry about this.
    Thanks for your prompt answer

  4. #4

    Re: Difference between beginner/beginning BASE Canopy/Container

    It is like skydiving every one have different preference or what you started on (the canopy and rig) if you did your FJC what canopy did you use. they are little different but not that much, what ever your comfortable with, there is too many people have 100-200 skydive just enough so you can base, if you just learn to skydive not just to base you well have no problem with landing and no need to skydive a base canopy (one thing to skydive a base canopy is to dial in the brake setting because in us not too many slider up jump) , I had over 500 skydive before did my base jumping I have no problem landing (I have over 600 on 7 cell canopy help too). If you want to learn abut you base gear be come a rigger the reserve is pack same as base gear and you learn lot from the class abut you gear.

  5. #5

    Re: Difference between beginner/beginning BASE Canopy/Container

    Thanks for that wiki link, will defiantly help me out!

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