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The most frightening thing about this is the link between freedom and responsibility is eroding. Freedom only works when it comes with responsibility. Freedom to do what we want must include the responsibility to accept the consequences of those decisions, whatsoever they may be.
Each and every time we allow one of these frivolous lawsuits to proceed, we reinforce the idea that freedom comes without responsibility; we reinforce the idea that in today's society we may (after the fact) transfer any and all risk or loss to a third party who had no opportunity to participate in the decision making. And if that proceeds, those who keep paying for all these frivolous claims will begin categorically taking our freedoms away. Google (et al) will seek government protection from such claims and the only way to indemnify Google (et al) without borrowing more money from China is to take away freedoms so these things can't happen in the first place. So Google will either have to stop giving us directions or we'll all pay a Google Maps Tax to fund the Google Maps Mesothelioma Silicone Implant Claim Fund.
Case in point: Since we can't be trusted to use lawn jarts safely (remember those), they simply aren't made anymore. And that's sad, 'cause lawn jarts were awesome.
Pay close attention to the part of the civil complaint that says, "actual and proximate cause". To sue for negligence, you must prove that the third party's behavior (or lack of behavior) was both the actual cause of damage and the proximate cause (which is to say: not so far removed that a series of events with potentially-different outcomes could have broken the chain of events leading to the incident). Anyway, this is the part of tort law that needs to be revisited. I'm going to go off on a small rampage now: HOW IN THE FUCKING HELL IS GOOGLE'S ROUTE SUGGESTION BOTH THE ACTUAL AND PROXIMATE CAUSE OF THIS WOMAN'S INCIDENT?
Anyway, I'm rambling. But I'm with you Speedfreak, this bitch is the embodiment of all that is declining in society today: nothing is ever anyone's fault anymore; we are entitled to be wrong as many times as we like without ever bearing responsibility; bad things do not happen to good people; and everyone is good people, no matter how horrible/stupid they really are.
~ Chris