Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member
I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl
Actually there is some old movie footage of a Frenchman jumping off the Eifel Tower with a crazy suit/umbrella/canopy thing and as he leaves you can faintly hear him say "Quatre, cinq, six, sucer ma clodo" which roughly tranlated means "4, 5, 6, suck my arse". He doesn't survive but his countdown does, evidently.
I think a vacuum cleaner in Abbie's house said "4, 5, 6 suck my ass" the other day, right after winning a tug of war with his fingertip
matt, your still lurking around on here
dammit, ghetto is right! i hate how this thing throbs. you know with this last week of events, i got off easy though.
Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member
I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl
Still lurking. Like a disgruntled Marine Sniper. Ready to take pot shots at anyone.
Heading out to TF soon, so will look up the Count Splatula.
4-5-6 suck my...whatever fits.
3 2 1 Abbie likes it up the bum
Have Fun
Being dead but not dead BASE #!
Nominated by Spiderman...
A friend of mine on exit decided it was the time to tell me he had fucked my sister...
"3 2 1, Oi Mac, I fucked your sister and she has a hairy arse"..... as he got off....
He's dead now, but not from fucking my sister.....
Miss ya bro
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
* BLiNC Magazine Staff
* *** The BASE Board (Mobile) *** "BLiNC Magazine Mobile App for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry
Mate i really hope you make it here til August perhaps days before? Like good old days,im sure i can dig a exitpoint that will fit you
Have Fun
Being dead but not dead BASE #!
Nominated by Spiderman...
Dude.... that an invite?
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
* BLiNC Magazine Staff
* *** The BASE Board (Mobile) *** "BLiNC Magazine Mobile App for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry
yeah man we never calibrated my 30years b day and soon Lene will turn 40,so we desided to through up a party.gonna bbq a 60kg pig,and drink loads of pints,all paied by Lene ofcourse(as im a cheap bastard :-P )
Have Fun
Being dead but not dead BASE #!
Nominated by Spiderman...
Hum Mike Allen used that count down as well and I thought he came up with it but it was like 1984 when I recorded him saying it. Guess it started with Randy. Another good one was "I feel a BASE jump coming on" followed by "321 CYA" then as you let go and stat pushing off someone would yell "No wait!" That always got my attention.
This is like asking who was the first person to try anal sex. Nobody will ever know for sure.
for those who are comfortable ...
4 .. 2 .. 0 .. see ya