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Thread: Don "The Boat Guy"

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  1. #1
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Don "The Boat Guy"

    Had lunch today with Don and Kay, they're doing well and it was nice catching up after the winter.

    Don's still around for Boat Service from the landing area back to Centennial Park. Just call and give him some notice when you're gonna be coming to town. Don't forget to pickup your cooler full of beer to keep on the boat for between jumps!

    Captain Don Mayes
    +1 (208) 731-6448

    cya all soon.. Memorial weekend's not lookin that far away!

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  2. #2

    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    We should get with Don and plan that skills competition we keep talking about. Take the bridge back to about 00' with dozens of jumpers making 10+ jumps a day and never hiking. Party and pack at Centennial. Do a comp with exit, opening, and landing scores like the original IPBC. I hear Ill Vision is coming to visit, maybe they would want to do something.
    "To the extreme I rock the mike like a vandal
    light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle"

  3. #3

    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    Don rocks. When I was out there, a couple of days it was just me and a friend, and so he lent me his car so we could ferry back and forth from the dock....Top man! - Actually that reminds me, one point, some street luger flew down the road and went under us!

  4. #4
    Fork And Spoon Operator ZegeunerLeben's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    >>Mr. Mayes is awsome. Whether fishing you out of the river after a low pull or sharing a beer, Don's good people.

  5. #5
    Captain Bacongrease Para_Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    Quote Originally Posted by hamsandwich View Post
    .. Memorial weekend's not lookin that far away!

    Yes, and keep Saturday night open for Blondie's party. If you don't come, she'll crush you like a grape.

    It's free food and beer - I don't know a BASE jumper who would turn that down.

    (A reminder - the cook better not have to buy one drop of Patron Silver. I'm just saying)
    - Harvey
    BASE 1232
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  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    Quote Originally Posted by hamsandwich View Post
    Had lunch today with Don and Kay, they're doing well and it was nice catching up after the winter.

    Don's still around for Boat Service from the landing area back to Centennial Park. Just call and give him some notice when you're gonna be coming to town. Don't forget to pickup your cooler full of beer to keep on the boat for between jumps!

    Captain Don Mayes
    +1 (208) 731-6448

    cya all soon.. Memorial weekend's not lookin that far away!

    Don is awesome!.And I will see you in May as well! I need a place to stay if possible...

  7. #7

    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    Would May be a good time for me to fuck the credit card and make my visit?

    Whats the deal with Memorial day at TF? is it a bit of a circus?

  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    Quote Originally Posted by Mac View Post
    Would May be a good time for me to fuck the credit card and make my visit?

    Whats the deal with Memorial day at TF? is it a bit of a circus?
    Great time! No more a circus than Camden Garden on a weekend.

    FUCK the credit card! Ill even buy some English beer!

  9. #9
    Captain Bacongrease Para_Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    It's like BD with a little more talent.

    Nothing organized per se anymore, but it's the biggest weekend at the Perrine. At the party 2 years ago, I counted 11 countries represented before I couldn't see past my nose anymore.

    Probably 50 or so jumpers that weekend. Maybe more.

    Good times.
    - Harvey
    BASE 1232
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  10. #10

    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    Can you gimme the dates......

  11. #11
    Captain Bacongrease Para_Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    22-25 May
    - Harvey
    BASE 1232
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  12. #12
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    I'm already getting excited!

    Frik-n-frak, I mean Mick and Mac, you're both welcome at my place. First one to arrive gets the spare bedroom. 2nd is the couch. Oh and Mac, Ody will be staying here too! As well as the world famous Peter Konrad, the K-Monster, and a whoever else wants to squeeze in. This memorial should be a blast!

    Tree, lets talk offline and see if we can't organize something, more realisticly for labor day or perrine bridge fest so we got some time.

    Hey i got an idea... maybe we can organize some demo skydives over the bridge for memorial like we've been doing for the perrine bridge fest! good excuse to get a waiver Tri-County Famous Tree, World Famous Miles D, and little old me.... hey does any one else have a pro rating??

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

  13. #13

    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    Will let ya know.... Should book the flight tonight (or tomo), got the time off from work, so just gotta plan the travel.... Thanks A for the offer of floor space..... appreciated.

    Anyone landing in SLC around the 20/21 that might wanna share a ride?

    Fucking A!
    Last edited by Mac; April 9th, 2009 at 03:17 AM.

  14. #14
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    Quote Originally Posted by Mac View Post
    Will let ya know.... Should book the flight tonight (or tomo), got the time off from work, so just gotta plan the travel.... Thanks A for the offer of floor space..... appreciated.

    Anyone landing in SLC around the 20/21 that might wanna share a ride?

    Fucking A!
    I would be good with that. When are you returning to SLC?

  15. #15
    Captain Bacongrease Para_Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Don "The Boat Guy"

    I fly in to Boise from Ft. Knox on the 22nd - and will be rolling out to Twin. Returning to Boise the 26th in the afternoon.

    I have room in my rig if you fly into Boise. (I think SLC is significantly cheaper though)
    - Harvey
    BASE 1232
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