An old video from the archive. Winter 2007, Bo Weinberg jumping a Performance Designs 'Velocity 103' with retracted front-risers, for a steeper/faster glide. Costyn van Dongen and I (Jarno) exit slightly after him, and fly our wingsuits down to the canopy. Costyn sadly misjudged the approach (accidently thinking the canopy was flying the other way), but managed to get some nice shots on my approach (trailing smoke). The flyby in this video is real speed (no slowmo). There was a vertical speeddifference of around 15 mph between the two. The wingsuit flaring down to 31 mph at the point of the canopy pass, the canopy doing a steady 19 mph. More to come on this one soon...

Author: mccordia
Keywords: wingsuit canopy formation mccordia flylikebrick
Added: December 16, 2008

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