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You sure do know how to fuck up a good thing.
You not only offended his family but you've also offended his friends too. It is obvious that you don't care what anybody believes. You don't care what the doctors say (including the ones at Columbia), what the family says, or what his friends say. You just care about you. You clearly have control issues and think you call the shots. Now, all these people donated money to you and not his family. Jerry and his family has needs now too. That's right, you don't care. You can use this money to further your personal agenda; Stem Cells. And, just what do you gain by coordinating this stem cell project? Professional recognition? What..? So, ask yourself your own words Nick, "What's best for Jerry"? NOT What's best for Nick.
You claim to know all about Jerry's condition when it is overly obvious that you haven't even a clue. The family and friends that have been by his side since this happened know he is in a fight for his life. But, you wouldn't know that- would you? No. You wouldn't. Cause you aren't here. Instead, you're playing a doctor on the internet. Ridiculing and belittling the family's desions. Wasn't it you who posted about positive thoughts and vibes and sticking 'em up your ass cause that's not gonna make him walk again? Well, here's reality check for ya Nick; Jerry's hanging on to life by a thread. Maybe, if you haven't pissed off all his family and friends completely, you will see for yourself. You have caused unnecessary stress and drama to his loved ones life during a very difficult time. If you think that is in Jerry's best interest, you are terribly mistaken. Look at the entire picture and quit being so selfish.
Again, it is you who is underestimating what Jerry, his family, and friends have in common. Everyone that's actually here is working together. Everybody is thinking about Jerry. Nobody here has an alterior motive.
You can bash his medical care and the doctors all you want. Again, you are not here and have not spoken directly to anybody. You opinion is grossly unimformed. In case it still wasn't clear enough for you: No doctor, worth their salt, would risk moving him. Including the doctors at Columbia Presbyterian. You are spreading false information. Just because you played with a lab rat once, does not make you an expert. Try practicing medicine with human patients before declaring unfounded accusations.
News flash, Nick: You started this unnecessary crusade. And, it's not a friends- family crusade. It's a friends and family- Nick crusade. Thanks to you.
Now, I'm looking out for Jerry's best interest. Don't fuck with his family! Stop causing undue stress and drama to the people that have been/are there for Jerry all day, every day. (Holly & Ron- like I said, my office is across the street. Give me a shout is you have a problem.)
And quit hiding behind the "I'm doing this for Jerry" line you keep repeating. Everyone here is doing just that. You are the one with a hidden agenda-and the money.