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Thread: True or False? A certain Hight Profile BaseJumper getting his Ass beat for......

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  1. #1

    Exclamation True or False? A certain Hight Profile BaseJumper getting his Ass beat for......

    Wanted to know about a certain high profile Base jumpers' ass getting beat bad; for playing grab ass with a bouncer, thinking it was funny and the bouncer at the night club not thinking it was funny following the "grab asser" in his car and beating the holy shit out of him?
    Anybody care to elaborate? Maybe the ass grabber who got beat down can let us know?

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) iamchriskolegasbitch's Avatar
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    Re: True or False? A certain Hight Profile BaseJumper getting his Ass beat for......

    I wish someone would grab my ass..
    She said she was 16.

  3. #3

    Re: True or False? A certain Hight Profile BaseJumper getting his Ass beat for......

    It happened in Vegas? right? or was it???
    It happened to somebody who recently posted on here!
    His name might be M***s D****er? or is it Ch**k Lo*****ll
    Wouldn't mind hearing his version.
    Come on!! man up, you Bad Asssss.
    Tell us how you got your ass beat for being kinda gay and all grabby, you bad ass High Profile jumper you!

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: True or False? A certain Hight Profile BaseJumper getting his Ass beat for......

    Didn't this happen last year? yawn.

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