OK, So when i first started jumpin I Was told to color my canopy a certain way for ease of packing.
So i ordered it With stabilizers one color, the center and outer cells the same color, and the 2, 3, 5 , 6 cells a seperate color.
I soon realized it didn't make a difference to me! Im a dumbass and knew how to pack without these color schemes.
So i ordered my next canopy black on top and grey center cell , because i thought it would be easier to center the canopy off while packing or easier to sort out my messy canopy in the middle of a meadow or an intersection. NOpe. you just find the tail pocket and that's the center. duh!
So now my next two canopy's i ordered are all one color. and i have had no problem's packing no problem gathering up my canopy after landing in a hurrry.
So what i'm really wondering is??? Ive seen quite a few videos with some of the OG's of BASE and they STILL all have the COLOR-CODED canopies.
So why after all these years do people still color code their canopies. Even if it's just the center cell and "stabs"? I just don't get it?
Is there something im just not getting? Sometimez this is the case. I'll admit i can be a little dense. But i never really got the whole color schem thing. maybe it's just asthestics?