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Thread: NOTICES for Italian terminal and sub-terminal walls

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    NOTICES for Italian terminal and sub-terminal walls

    For those of you who haven't been to the Italian Wall there is a green metal tower close to the exit point.

    On this tower the rules for jumping the wall are written in 4 different languages. English, French, German and Italian.

    It seems in recent times visiting jumpers are losing the ability to read (you have to walk 1/2 a metre around the tower to read the English version):



    1. Be the holder of a sport skydiving licence and have done at least 300 skydives, of which at least 100 in the latest 12 months, if student. It must be considered “student” whoever jumper has not yet done at least 15 BASE jumps under the supervision of an acknowledged BASE jump instructor (*).

    2. Access to BASE sites of Province of Trento having done at least 50 BASE jumps with the exception of MB where it is enough to have done 15 BASE jumps.

    3. Use exclusively equipment and material SPECIFIC for BASE jumping. Do not use sport skydiving equipment, original or modified.

    4. Do not jump in case of adverse meteo conditions, wind magnitude greater than 2 m/sec or insufficient visibility.

    5. Always do a check-in - check-out procedure with ground crew or with other equivalent reference.

    6. Follow strictly times and procedures established for the particular site, also with reference to equipment in use. For jumps from MB they are recommended the following times and procedures for freefall: not less than 7 and not more 8 seconds of vertical freefall in box position, or not less than 7 seconds and not more than 12 seconds for the jumpers capable of doing an EFFECTIVE track (at least to pass over the talus). BASE jumpers equipped with single canopy rigs shall have to do an effective track in order to pass over the talus at the base of the “Vertigine” wall.

    7. Do not jump after ephemeris (sunset).

    8. Once on the exit, move with extreme caution in order to avoid fall of stones.

    9. For possible rescue calls, call 118.

    10. In case or helicopter rescue, the canopy, if possible, shall be cut away and discarded or folded and disposed in order not to be affected by turbulence caused by helicopter rotors, avoiding so a dangerous source of danger for both the possible dragging of the injured jumper and the helicopter.


    The tower also carries the names of the people who have lost their lives jumping at MB. The site is visited by much less people than the Norwegian Fjords but there have still been 6 fatalities in the past 5 years.

    Please read:

    Numbers 43, 44, 48, 58, 73, 86. Low experience level seems to have played a factor in 5 of these incidents.

    Take care and respect the environment, avoid leaving litter.

    Leave your car at the parking area just after SG. Do NOT try and drive your car up the forest tracks as this is forbidden.

    Jumpers wishing to start flying wingsuits at MB should have at least 50 BASE jumps and have read the following article:

    The Italian Terminal Wall is a unique asset in the world of BASE. Lets keep it safe, clean and legal for all of us.

    edit to add ITW rules website link.
    Last edited by Johnny Utah; October 12th, 2006 at 06:41 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: Reminder: Rules & Behaviour at the Italian Terminal Wall

    made sticky...

    I guess you have had some issues there recently?

  3. #3

    Re: Reminder: Rules & Behaviour at the Italian Terminal Wall

    There was some pretty ropey behaviour going on over the weekend, I'm glad no-one went in. And I'm glad James was there to loose his rag and lay down some truths, it needed to be done.


  4. #4

    Re: Reminder: Rules & Behaviour at the Italian Terminal Wall

    > There was some pretty ropey behaviour going on over the weekend....
    I heard something about what happened.
    The fact that Italian Terminal Wall is NOT supervised, nor anybody refrains/prohibits "anybody else" from jumping DOES NOT AUTHORIZE any first timer/low timer BASE jumper to grab any BASE rig, to don any wingsuit (basic or advanced), to go up and jump, no matter of wind, received briefing on how the site is.
    Freedom DOES NOT mean that anybody is free to kill himself/herself jumping off our terminal wall, and I assure anybody out there that it is NOT cool at all the behaviour: "Oh, look, I' ve got huge brass ball, I go up and jump".
    Yes, it CAN work and you COULD walk away with it, but increase VERY MUCH the chance of going in.
    If you are a first timer of BASE with scarse (or even non-existing) training and with scarse (or even non-existing) setup of BASE equipment and go up and jump a BASE jump site in the "do-it-yourself" fashion, if you have got an outstanding talent for BASE, you happily discover it yourself, if you have NOT got an outstanding talent for BASE, it will be discovered by your family and by your friends in the harshest and most terrible way.
    Training, time for training, money spent on good equipment, time for learning what is "needed to know" simply lower the chance of going in, of course there is no guarantee of "never-going-in"; lowering the chance of going in: YES, INDEED.
    People can do what they like best, but going in/causing heli rescues/troubles due to reckless behaviour will help to have "difficulties" in jumping Italian Terminal Wall in the future.
    Selfish behaviour but there will be no police to halt anybody on exit point.
    I hope these wiriting of ours AT LEAST serve as a warning for people.
    Just my 0.02€.
    Stay Safe Out There
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689

  5. #5

    Exclamation Abuse of Italian subterminal wall

    I said it lot of times in the past and I repeat it now:
    BASE jump in Italy is tolerated, it is NOT a right to jump off objects!!!!!
    A lot of international BASE jumpers know very well Italian subterminal wall.
    I come straight to the point.
    We (the locals) DO NOT jump Italian subterminal wall that often in summertime because "around" landing area there is a camping site that in summer season is full of touristes, parked roulottes, parked vehicles, whatever.
    Of course, we CANNOT refrain our international friends to jump Italian subterminal wall, but...
    Last weekend my mates were there to jump Italian subterminal wall and a couple of them interested marginally the camping area.
    Well. An angry old chap came along threatening of writing their number plates, denouncing to police, whatever.
    Briefly, my mates discovered that all such an anger was due to the fact that during summertime a lot of international BASE jumpers jumped Italian subterminal wall landing very often in the camping area, among parked vehicles, among tourists, among kids, whatever.
    I can understand why the old chap was mad on my friends. International BASE jumpers kept on landing among tourists all the summer long, creating dangers, useless (=for tourists) stress, discussions.
    BASE jump in Italy is tolerated.
    While it is nearly impossible that BASE will ever be affected/touched/ruled by general Italian law, it takes only a while for LOCAL authorities to prevent us from jumping Italian subterminal wall, putting on the "table" excuses like: endangering tourists safety, not authorized public gatherings/shows, disturbing the peace, accessing private areas (you couldn't enter a camping sites if you are not a paying guest).
    this can easily be done by local authorities (and actually few years ago local authorities forbade BASE jump off the Italian subterminal wall (for a limited period of time), but such a prohibition never went in force (=local police never did anything)).
    The issue on Italian subterminal wall is: the LARGE landing area is THE camping site (among vehicles/people), while the SMALL landing area is the "small mountains" (=piles of gravels for "permanent works" close to the wall itself and close to the shore).
    We (the locals) try always to land on the "small mountains" and in offseason period, we land anywhere, camping site included.
    Now: if visiting jumpers are NOT capable of landing consistently in the "small mountains", please refrain from jumping Italian subterminal wall.
    If visiting jumpers DO WANT to land in campoing sites ALSO in summer season, it is very, very likely that local authorities makes (jumping) our lives impossible, you know, they can find THOUSANDS of reasons to do you a fine on yourself, on your car, on whatever-they-like.
    Selfish behaviour at Italian subterminal wall can rapidly take the BASE jumping to impossible/very difficult/prohibiteb by (local) law.
    Also a side note: even when landing on "small mountains" is performed, keeping the voice and behaviour at a low profile is very, very desirable. Shouting and/or beer drinking and/or similar "messy" behaviour after having done some terrific BASE jumping is another reason to have problems with the local population, again taking BASE jumping at Italian subterminal wall to a difficult situation for local jumpers as well as for visiting jumpers.
    Stay Safe Out There
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689

  6. #6

    Re: Abuse of Italian subterminal wall

    I hope to get out there sometime next year. I am limited on the months I can travel, but I definatley do not want to cause any local distress. Could you be more specific on which months you mean by "summer" and which months are the preferable "off- season"?


  7. #7

    Re: Abuse of Italian subterminal wall

    Andrea, there's a post on (here) asking people to leave it alone altogether until Nov 15th, is that right? 4 of us are out there until Monday and were looking forwards to jumping it again.


  8. #8

    Re: Abuse of Italian subterminal wall

    > Could you be more specific on which months you mean by "summer" and which months are the preferable "off- season"?
    Yes indeed.
    There can be tourists in May. Definitely June, July, August are FULL of tourists. In September there can be few tourists.
    In all other months there should no be tourist (but just check it out for yourself), so landing area is pretty anywhere you like (=where there are no people/RHV's/roulottes/whatever).
    But, as I said above, even in peak season (=lots of tourists) if you manage to land in the "small mountains" area, you are far from people (tourists do not venture in the "small mountains" area) and you cause no harm and no stress to (local) people.
    Just use your eyes and your brain and your landing accuracy. All the rest comes easy.
    Stay Safe Out There
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689

  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    PV ; perigee 2

    Re: Abuse of Italian subterminal wall

    hello mucho base
    out of curiosity, now when they r doing some constructions down there, let say, one jumps before the dawn or just after it, like at 4.30 or 5, at what time workers start to work and r they on field on weekends, plus landing on the socer field next to construction yard.

    just like to hear your opinion
    every beginning is hard

  10. #10

    SUB-TERMINAL Wall notice

    originally posted by unclecharlie95 Aug 2, 2006

    The Italian locals ask for all visiting jumpers to not jump the I.S.T.W.(the E on the lake) at the moment.

    There is a building site where the LZ used to be and it seems the builders are REALLY UN-HAPPY with the jumpers landing on the site. They are considering steps to stop us jumping.

    The site is fragile and does NOT have the "legal" status of the ITW.

    Thank you for your understanding, once we have more information we will post it here.

    Mucho BASE
    The Italian locals

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