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Thread: Insurance for Europe

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  1. #1

    Insurance for Europe

    Does anyone have any suggestions on obtaining insurance for travel in Europe? Medical, travel, unexpected whatever. Whatever insurance you know about would be handy. Some spoke of heli rescue insurance on another thread and I am leaving for Europe in late Sept and this info would be gold.


  2. #2

    Re: Insurance for Europe

    Try SRI specialty risk insurance. They have a dangerous sports coverage that covers parachuting. 10 days in Norway is costing me 21.67 for 500,000 coverage with a 250 deduct.
    Jay Epstein Ramirez

  3. #3

    Re: Insurance for Europe

    Thank Jay!!! That worked perfectly. He made sure I knew the only issue is that the jump has to be legal =)... Have fun in Norway. You think 500,000 is enough or 1 mil?


  4. #4

    Re: Insurance for Europe

    For 3 dollars more... probably worth it... I
    Jay Epstein Ramirez

  5. #5

    Re: Insurance for Europe

    I get their insurance every time I go to Europe. I have yet to make a claim... but definately well worth the money. I have also heard of people becoming a member of REGA air rescue in Switzerland. for 30 CHF you get a year membership and will not get charged for their air rescue. just something to look into.


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