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Thread: beginners questions...

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  1. #1

    beginners questions...

    I'm from Belgium.
    New on this site.

    I have a few questions about base.
    I'm very interested in it.
    I'm almost 18years old, have 315 skydive jumps.
    the last 8 months I really consider of going into base,
    I went a few times to watch base, and looked for some information,
    but the last month I'm more and more interested...
    although I will only now if I really want to go in it if I stand on the exit point, and if I want to continue if I did the jump...
    I will learn to pack now, and tried the 'drills' (on this site)
    I know a few basejumpers,
    specially one that I really trust,
    but it's always good the get the advise/opinion of other people.

    What is the next thing I should do?
    Do I need a lot of more experience?

    thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Re: beginners questions...

    are you sure that thouse you know Will learn it to you,and do they have the experience to do so?

    What do they say that you should do?
    personaly i think you should get some more skydives and Ground crew some before you do some jumps.. Belgium is known as lowland,were pilotskills is highly recomended..

  3. #3

    Re: beginners questions...

    as I am sure you are aware Belgium has some pretty hardcore jumps. I would advise to get alot of canopy experience, and try and hook up with some respected jumpers who will look after your best interests. If you are unsure about the people you already know then you need to find someone you are really comfortable with............

  4. #4
    Fork And Spoon Operator ZegeunerLeben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: beginners questions...

    >>And beware of the currently accepted Belgian method for testing the jumpability of new objects!!

  5. #5
    Tom Aiello

    Re: beginners questions...

    First, I'd recommend reading _all_ the articles linked in the sticky thread at the top of this forum.

    Second, in all honesty, I'd recommend waiting 3 or 4 years. After you've lost a couple friends skydiving, you'll have a much better idea what you are getting into. Plus, you'll have a super good skill set for starting BASE.

    What's the rush? BASE will still be here. The trick is making sure that you're still here after BASE.

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Mar 2002
    PV ; perigee 2

    Re: beginners questions...

    Quote Originally Posted by nataraja
    Do I need a lot of more experience
    some may say yes and some no, but there is just the confort level. My opinion is, if u have to ask if u have enought experiance then it doesnt sound really reinsuring u know what u r gonna do with your experience. And on the other hand u have dudes that r sure in theirs experience and they suck..... u have to be confortable and sure about yourself, u have to know yourself, and if u had some dificuiltes in skydiving and u survive them, if u have life experience, its not only experience its growth of u, maturing, its life experience from what we learn, with years. So to cut a long story short, u and people around u have to be confortable and tottaly sure about u.

  7. #7

    Re: beginners questions...

    thanks a lot for the advise...
    more advise is welcome.!.
    I did already some ground crew, and I know already some basejumpers, not only in belgium, although there is one I really trust and where I'm sure about that he would help me in a good way.
    but it's good for me to hear the opinion from other's.


  8. #8

    Re: beginners questions...

    Quote Originally Posted by nataraja
    I'm from Belgium.
    gewoon uit nieuwsgierigheid,..op welke DZ springde gij?
    ben ook 18 en volg momenteel aff in schaffen

  9. #9

    Re: beginners questions...

    Quote Originally Posted by elias123
    gewoon uit nieuwsgierigheid,..op welke DZ springde gij?
    ben ook 18 en volg momenteel aff in schaffen
    Eli, she jumps (mainly) at DZ Moorsele.

    Nataraja, if you have the time, take up some high diving or some gymnastics (trampoline) to learn to control your body in zero air.

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