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Thread: Aussie in PA

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Smile Aussie in PA

    G'day all, just got to PA for the season. Anyone around here wanna jump or drink beer? Never been this part of your country before so keen to play! Send us an email.


  2. #2

    Thumbs up Re: Aussie in PA

    For those who dont know Kieran, he is a cool bro. Good jumper too.

  3. #3

    Re: Aussie in PA

    Hey Kieran! Cool to see ya make an appearance....... I hope all is going well for you out there, drop in if your ever passing through the UK again...........

    Have fun........

  4. #4

    Re: Aussie in PA

    For those who don't know like ****.

    Nice to hear from you mate.

    I jumped that odd O we checked out in London that time. Scary mate.

    take care.


  5. #5

    Re: Aussie in PA

    Hey thanks guys.

    I must of been drunk when you saw me jump Johnny, that's the only way I stay stable! ha ha

    Wil see you other boys soon I hope. That is if you are walking yet Mac?

    How did fence around to O treat ya Ian? Those spikes looked very inviting....

    See ya's on the edge soon......

  6. #6

    Smile Re: Aussie in IL

    Nice to have you and Karl at me casa for a few days. You are the 5th person to get that particular high-quality B. Video cant do the visuals justice. Only a handfull of people will really know what that looks like. You waited on the winds for 3 days and ended up getting sweet conditions.
    Good on ya!

  7. #7

    Re: Aussie in PA


    What part of PA? I live in the Scanton/Wilkes-Barre area.

    e-mail me if you want to hook up!
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

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