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Thread: Go Fast Boogie

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Go Fast Boogie

    Does anyone know what's the date of the Royal Gorge, GO FAST boogie?


  2. #2

    Re: Go Fast Boogie

    Bridge Day is always the 3rd Saturday of October. Last year the GoFast Games were a week before Bridge Day. Jimmy and Marta from Apex BASE are the ones that would know. You can contact them thru their website.

    edit: Hey Greg, I just remembered that your email to Apex came back.
    Since you live in Hungary, I gave them a call and left a message. I ll let you know if I hear anything.
    Last edited by Johnny Utah; May 27th, 2005 at 08:57 AM. Reason: add info

  3. #3

    Re: Go Fast Boogie

    I just got off the phone with Jimmy. They are planning on doing the event again but it is still in the works. It will probably be the same time of year. Last year it was an invite event. I suspect it will be the same this year so you need to contact Jimmy Pouchert to get an invite.

    Try this email:

  4. #4

    Re: Go Fast Boogie

    Thanx for the info.
    I'll try to contact them and try to get all the info from the boogie.
    I hope that there's not gonna be a problem to join the comp, first, because my sponsor is the GO FAST here in Hungary, second.....because I'm a good jumper!))
    So, thanx!!!!
    I'll talk to them!

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