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Thread: South Africa Jumping

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    South Africa Jumping

    I have a work trip in South Africa for 10days coming up next week and would dearly like to talk to, meet, jump with any local jumpers in the Cape Town area. Sadly the one person I have been advised to talk to has recently been badly injured as discussed in other threads.

    If there are any locals there who would be up for meeting and greeting, i would love to hear from you.



  2. #2

    Re: South Africa Jumping

    Hi Ian

    I live in Cape Town and BASE around here.
    Give me a call on my cell 083 683 7576 when you get here.
    Karl is a very good friend of mine.

  3. #3

    Re: South Africa Jumping


    Thanks for the reply. I actually fly out tomorrow, but alas i'm not flying to Cape Town but Jo'burg. From there i'm then flying to a small town just south of the Namibian border called Upington near the Augrabies falls. I'm not sure really what awaits me out there but will have my rig and some static line ready just in case.....

    signing offline for about 10days


    Quote Originally Posted by poc
    Hi Ian

    I live in Cape Town and BASE around here.
    Give me a call on my cell 083 683 7576 when you get here.
    Karl is a very good friend of mine.

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