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Thread: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff


    Some rock climbers, rescued a base jumper who was blown back into the mountain, today ... in P****'* R*** Canyon. (Utah?)


    Witnesses, say ... the man jumped from a cliff. His parachute opened. But, then ... a gust of wind, blew him into a rock.

    His parachute caught on a ledge. And, the man was able to stand on a rock just below ... and, wait for help.

    Two nearby rock climbers made their way over to the man and helped him off the mountain.

    Fortunately, he wasn't injured.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    perigee II

    Re: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

    Congratulations to Edgy Dave for handling a gnarly 180. You rock man! (pun intended). Nice spiderman skills, hope the foot heals fast, bro.
    Base 758

    Don't Worry, Be Happy...

  3. #3

    Re: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

    Way to handle a tough situation Dave, glad you made it off the cliff safely.


  4. #4
    dave doucette

    Re: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

    hey all .... edge-ee here. Nice to be alive and in one piece. Thanks for the good words Baxter and Dennis. Just so you all know wind conditions were great, body position was perfect, just one of those suck ass things (possibly pack job). It's amazing what goes through your head when you smack that wall, visions of sliding down bouncing all the way to the tallis ... but I was lucky to pull off the spiderman thing. After cutting away the canopy I had my right fractured foot on a rock the size of a mouse pad left and right hand extended to the sides with golf ball sized holes for finger holds. Thats not much to hold onto for an hour in the cold. Supposedly the fire dept that was there had a helicopter on the way... but rock climbers on the other side of the canynon saw the incident and climbed down, gathered gear, boogied across the canyon and (Jacob Manning) made a speed climb to my rescue. When he got to me my leg was asleep that I was standing on and both my hands were cold and numb. I would not have held on long enough for the city rescue to get thier act together and get the chopter there and repell down to me. Another 20 minutes and I could not have held on. Jacob Manning from Idaho is definately hero and one awesome rock climber!!!! Glad to still be with you all .... **** HAPPENS .... EDGE-EE#762...DAVE DOUCETTE

  5. #5
    dave doucette

    Re: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

    Oh yeh forgot one important thing.... Thanks Kramer and Greg for being there!!! And getting the awesome video that I'm alive to be able to watch. Glad you still jumped Greg that was a pretty neat perspective that I had of your jump. Wish I could have jumped onto you ankles EDGE-EE

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    perigee II

    Re: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

    Clearly you have a destiny, Dave. An uncompleted, but important function to fulfill. Otherwise you would have been summarily deleted.

    I think your destiny is go down there with Baxter, Greg, Kramer, and me and jump it again. Then we drink lots of Beer. On your tab.
    Base 758

    Don't Worry, Be Happy...

  7. #7
    dave doucette

    Re: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

    yes being deleted would really s@#k..then i couldn't pick up that beer tab for you guys......that sounds like a load i wouldn't miss for any canopy checks out ok i would jump it today if my foot wasn't f@#ked....i'l have to settle for beer instead tonite.....i'm gonna call greg and see if they want to get a bite to i can fire wire that video,,...i'll jump w/you guys ANY DAY...NITE...EDGE-EE#762

  8. #8
    BASE 569

    Re: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

    I'm glad it all turned out all-right. I would have felt like s**t for getting you out there, if it hadn't. Thanks for the jump and the hospitality. And the video is GOOD. Heal fast.


  9. #9
    dave doucette

    Re: Rock Climbers Rescue Base Jumper Blown into Cliff

    no worrys greg it was my pleasure to go jump w/ would not have been your fault if things had turned out for the worst..the hospitality will all ways be here for the two of you...base ...snowboard...whatever!!....JUST DON'T EXPECT THAT LEVEL OF VIDEO EVERY TIME!! DAVE.EDGE-EE#762

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