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Thread: BASE jumping log book data

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  1. #1

    BASE jumping log book data

    I have been speaking with a skydiver from Bonfire that offered to create software for skydivers for free to create some software for BASE jumpers to use.

    After some discussion, he can create some windows software that will allow you to enter details of your jumps and drill down and pull out detailed information relating to your information.

    I thought this a good idea as I had a spreadsheet where i could bring up information relating to my jumps where I could say what PC I used I had the most off headings with........

    I sent this guy a list of the data points I could initially think of to have, (i got this together in a few minutes) and I would like others to review and add as this guy will "FOR FREE" create some software allowing the anal section of our group drill down what ever figures we want from what ever information we want.......

    For all of us anoraks, we need to take advantage of this...............
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  2. #2

    Re: BASE jumping log book data

    This would be really useful if the information gathered was stored in a centralized database (anonymized). Would be nice doing some statistical analyzis based on ~10.000 jumps (Offheading vs PC size and delay for instance)..

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) QuickDraw's Avatar
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    May 2003
    England UK.

    Re: BASE jumping log book data

    Does opening headings need a left & right option ?
    Also any mal's (blown toggles/linetwists etc..) that occured would be helpful, maybe light conditions too ?
    --- Hope you don't die. ---

  4. #4

    Re: BASE jumping log book data

    Here's a typical excerpt from MY log:

    * Jump#
    * Object
    * # times this object flicked before

    No way I could fill in any more detail than that

    Lazy me!

    ZZZZzzzzzzz 985

  5. #5
    Tom Aiello

    Re: BASE jumping log book data

    Two thoughts:

    1) I'm using a filemaker database to track jumps. I built it a couple years ago, and I throw in new stuff from time to time. It can even hold still images and video fromt the jump (or the party afterward, if you prefer).

    2) I also keep paper logs for many reasons (like I can fill them out wherever I am). I'll attach my paper page to this post as a .doc file.
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  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    Re: BASE jumping log book data

    I made an access database to log my jumps a while back. Simple to use and you can sort the data however you like. I use it to keep track of everything from winds to jump numbers on each pc to degree of off heading openings. The only problem I have had with it is when I forget to log the jumps!!
    Here is a post from a while back that shows the sortability of my logbook. Numbers, numbers and more numbers - BASE Jumping:: BLiNC Magazine Forums

    BASE 570
    El Gigante #15

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