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Thread: !From steam powered rockets to road flairs!

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Cool !From steam powered rockets to road flairs!

    Enjoying my steam powered rocket car.... but golly, I want my skate board to be powered by road flairs... so, are there, were there, will there ever be a (like) standard safety road flair which once lit, will burn and bubble UNDER water till fully spent?
    Will send a neato post card picture (original) to any helpful answeres! Thanks you-s ! Grimm

  2. #2

    Re: !From steam powered rockets to road flairs!

    Ummm, I guess, I was here to make this a better reply, but thats why this box is here anyway! Umm gee, this is a bit uncomfortable and awkward for both of us I suppose!
    Good day??? Uggggggg!

  3. #3
    Tom Aiello

    Re: !From steam powered rockets to road flairs!

    I've moved this from Technical to BASE Board.

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) QuickDraw's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003
    England UK.

    Re: !From steam powered rockets to road flairs!

    Don't divers use flares like that ?
    --- Hope you don't die. ---

  5. #5

    Re: !From steam powered rockets to road flairs!

    Don't know how practical it would be to skate board under Water ???

    Steam and Flares for fun ....
    that ideas Hotter than Two rats F##king in a Wool Sock.

    this thread kinda went over my head a little ????
    Steam cars / Skate boards / BASE ?

  6. #6

    Question Re: !From steam powered rockets to road flairs!

    what the flying monkey fu(k are you talking about?

    as it stands, you're asking if you can strap some C4 to your cousin's ass and send her off to the prom with a flying saucer attached to her donkey... all the while, the donkey is the director of a show which includes tacos and flux capacitors.................

    again, with all due respect... what in thyne fu(k are you talking about???


  7. #7

    Re: !From steam powered rockets to road flairs!

    Hey monkey ask Tom / he moved it ?

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