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Thread: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    I enjoy working with Photoshop and Image Ready and have made many animated gifs and various images for friend's pages. You can see some of my quickie work here:

    The idea I have is to get some avi's from you guys, just short clips, of people doing jumps the right way and the wrong way (maybe) and I can make short animated loops for demonstration purposes. For instance, if you have a good shot of someone throwing a stowed pilot chute and you think it would make a good example for newbies, I will make an looping gif of your footage.

    I thought it might really be helpful if someone has footage of a jumper clearing a line-over or something like that. If people can really study how a person got out of a bad situation it might help save a life later on.

    I am busy in school, but I have some free time and creative projects are a nice way for me to relax and if I can help that would be nice. I'll attach a looping gif I made from a cartoon (if I can attach files).

    EDIT: Ok, see Zim down there? Imagine him correcting an off-heading opening instead of merely glowering. Someone could have a thread on tricks to save your life and post the looping gifs. I hope I'm stating this clearly.
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  2. #2

    Re: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    There was one problem with the graphic, I don't have fancy shmancy software, but if you'd like you can make the same changes.

    p.s. Mr. Utah, I'm gone until about 03:hundred on Monday.. can I call you Monday night?
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  3. #3

    Re: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    Yea, I thought about throwing in a few extra arrows, like one pointing out the sky etc, but it wasn't my page.

    That and I'm not even remotely funny.

  4. #4

    Re: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    Looking at your photo of the PCA, looks like a nice day at Twin, I also noticed the jumpers legs looked stapped together, paraplegic? If so , do you know the jumper name? My bro, who also is a paraplegic has bungeed the Perrine (water dip) but when it comes to a BASE jump, he isn,t a big fan of the water. If you have the jumper name or contact info, maybe I could ask how and who helped pull it off.

  5. #5

    Re: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    Cleatus, contact pBASEtobe, he'll get you going in the right direction.

  6. #6

    Re: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    The picture is of Russel Metlitzkys second jump from the Perrine. The deployment method is what is known as a freefall assist. It is similar to a PCA but the pilot chute is let go a little earlier to give the jumper a little more freefall. Russel had asked me to let go of the PC early if his body position looked good on exit, giving him a bit more freefall, which is what he was looking for. His body position was great on exit and I did let go a bit early for him. As it turned out, just that little bit of extra freefall allowed him to go head low since he doesnt have muscle control of his legs. So that was the jump whereby we learned that he should only do freefalls if he is slider up and he would need more of a vertical body position on exit.

    Here is a link to his website where he outlines his progression in BASE.

    Russel is an amazing person and has inspired many people with his jumps.
    He is the recipient of pBASE#1 and wants to work toward jumping all four object categories.

  7. #7

    Re: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    And yes, I am a nerd......and proud of it.
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  8. #8

    Re: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Utah
    The deployment method is what is known as a freefall assist.
    Ah ha! I didn't know it had its own term. I thought it was just a PCA but you (purposely) let the pilot chute go early. I guess I should change the picture to "Freefall Assis Type Jump" so people don't get the feeling you hosed me.

  9. #9

    Re: Graphics and visuals for instruction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Utah
    And yes, I am a nerd......and proud of it.
    Since when did Mitch Hedberg get into BASE jumping?

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