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Thread: Damage To Canopy Questions

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  1. #1

    Damage To Canopy Questions

    Picked my spot, played with the brakes, dead on landing! But of course as the canopy came down it draped itself over a pretty high and nasty thorn bush. Since I didn't exactly have time to pick the material out (which I was as carefull as possible) I got a ton of small holes ranging from pin holes to a few almost dime size.
    So how worried should I be about the pin holes? The dime size holes I will have patched, but will some tape (square weave - I think it's called) be okay for a jump or two until it gets patched? And does it make a difference in where the pin holes are in the canpoy; ex. top skin, bottom skin, stabilizers?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Damage To Canopy Questions

    This is pretty common. Ive helped numerous friends pick their canopies out of the evil thorn bush/tree (I believe these things are a part of a unionized franchise along with the brotherhood of light poles (local 666)). You got it right, examine your canopy thoroughly, including suspension lines, from tip of pilot chute on down, looking for cuts, holes, tears, and thread pulls/breaks.Good on you to do the obvious; Patch the dime holes. I have always ignored the thorn pricks or pin holes; these seem to reseal themselves after the next opening shock resettles the thread count, as, (I believe) most of these little holes are just where the threads have been pushed apart temporarily. Your canopy has likely been minimally damaged and what damage exists is likely entirely inconsequential, even if a visible pencil lead diameter hole continues to exist after your next opening. But any questions or doubts should always be referred to your canopy manufacturer who should always be more than pleased to help you, and the most qualified to assist you. Always continue to monitor the condition of your canopy and its accumulation of wear and tear with regular inspections.

    If the thorn bush refuses to pay for repairs, a chainsaw may be useful in the negotiations...

  3. #3

    Re: Damage To Canopy Questions

    Trucker, you are a wise man bro!
    Just wondering if you are coming are way anytime soon?
    Let us know and take care of yourself!


    We got freaks up hear. Well, at least one.

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) truckerbase's Avatar
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    Re: Damage To Canopy Questions

    Hey Yosemite Sam,

    Damn I miss you guys! No, Im not wise, Ive just been trapped under this giant storm for several days as it moved across the US; so I post instead of jump. Ill end up in Schenectady (skinny neck today) Ny for a delivery friday. And then ???. Im really feeling like a snow jump so lets try to pull Robbie away from the girl and go hit the ice pyramid again, brother. I havent forgotten you guys for a moment...

    Lets take that Wagar brother with us, deal? One last four way...
    Last edited by truckerbase; January 6th, 2005 at 12:43 AM.

  5. #5

    Re: Damage To Canopy Questions

    Right on Trucker-
    It would be sweet if your coming this way. I'm not going to lie to you, it's cold! I mean really, really cold!! I just does'nt matter, I still can't stop. It still feels the same after the jump, you know? I should be in a North Face or Patagonia commercial all the gear I'm wearing. There may be another option or two we could choose from however... Who knows?
    I'm sure the whole crew will be ready for action by the time you get here!!

    talk to you soon-

    Just another 10-31

  6. #6
    Staff Member
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    Re: Damage To Canopy Questions

    Never, ever use that stupid ripstop tape unless your tent is leaking. That stuff is only gimmicktry and damages the material it adheres to. a hole the size of a matchbox in an unreinforced area will make no discernable diff in performance or safety. A 200sqft canopy does not care about a 4sqinch hole. I do speak from heavy experience in the rigging venue in parachutes and paragliders. hope this helps.
    take care,

  7. #7
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    Re: Damage To Canopy Questions

    Just to ditto Space's comment about ripstop tape...

    Don't use it. It damages the fabric of your canopy over time and does not do much to remedy the situation.

    It would probably be in your best interest to have either the manufacturer or a local rigger look at the damage to see what repairs, if any, need to be done.

    For advice, both Space and Hookit (another regular to this forum) have extensive experience in the rigging department.


  8. #8

    Re: Damage To Canopy Questions

    Thanks for all the advice.
    Speaking of rip stop damaging the material, I suppose using scotch tape will do the same thing.
    I was told it can be used by a pretty well known person.

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