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Thread: Wind hard deck

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Wind hard deck

    What is your wind hard deck? If you have it. Or know it.
    Here is the deal.
    Town consist of nine equal square buildings (H:360ft, W:150ft, L:150ft), and their distance (from wall to wall) is 200ft. Their sides are orientated N-S, W-E. Wind is blowing from South to Nort, and exit is from top of center building. It is daytime jump, and landing is clear where ever you want. You have windmeter with you.
    On what side of building would you exit, and on what max wind speed you would still do it?
    Same questions are with 360ft span, orientated W to E, and wind is blowing from South to Nort. Clear landing below, you have windmeter. Daytime jump.
    And on earth (360ft clear flat wall, clear landing) jump, where the edge is orientated W-E, and wind is coming from South
    It is same with freestnding antena, parameters are same.
    You can write what delay (and pc size )you would use and how you would go (HH or stowed)

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Re: Wind hard deck

    Personally, I prefer the downwind corner of any object applicable. With buildings don't forget bernulli's principle, any time moving air passes through or by something the velocity must increase to keep it flowing. All that means is that when your "steady wind" reaches a city the velocity will increase to get by the buildings but you may not feel it on top. If there are other buildings in the area this will create gusty wind and turbulence under canopy. So your max wind on a b should be less than lets say a tower where the wind will remain constant. From past experiences I can find no good reson to jump anything you can not track away from with a head wind. This is off point but fun to think about, with x-wind I always think about how a canopy can take more alt. and distance to turn downwind. Example: I had a 180 at a cliff with a x-wind of about 5-7kts. I turned downwind to correct and came very close to a wallstrike. Awhile later, Same conditions same wall same opening, corrected to the upwind side and never even came close. Bottom line is that know one can tell you how much wind your comfortable but there are alot of factors to think of. I've jump some things with 40kts of wind and been very safe while others I may not jump with 10kts. Sorry for the rambeling I was bored, Jeff

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