don't love the rail... lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEE the rail
don't love the rail... lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEE the rail
I told you to come with us this morning to Jump.
If you were any kind of Man you would get your ass
over to my house and help me Boot/up this Video of....
This Day Blazing, Bridge Rail Jump...PRIMO - Video
Spence,....34 Meter,102 ft., TARD over wet sand
Originally Posted by ManBirdfirstly, I agree with you about how quickly things get out of hand with these online discussions, but I have a few things to add about the situation, seeing as I spent a little time down at the scene of the 'crime' when some of this happened and saw some things first handOriginally Posted by Tom Aiello
the RB guys were not 'ousted' because of a local resident (with no solo skydives, but a wide range of contacts in BASE and a fairly good understanding of it) and the reaction to the online 'discussion' she started
I don't think they were 'ousted' at all, some left town as they were planning to do anyway and I believe the other/s just decided a lower profile would be better for a while.
AND there are many much better reasons than jumping from the rail for experienced jumpers (at least 2 of the USA's most experienced jumpers included) to have a problem with what the RB dudes were doing.
the ONLY people with ABSOLUTELY NO SKYDIVES WHATSOEVER involved in this whole scene were BASE jumping students (a.k.a. deathcampers, some even 2nd generation deathcampers) of at least 2 of the RB dudes and a boat operator who's done a LOT for BASE jumpers (including being instrumental in saving the life of at least one jumper I know of), who took a dislike to a RB dude because he didn't agree with his actions
now, I met and spent some time with these RB dudes while down there and they are nice guys, BUT, when a lot of really experienced jumpers have a problem with what they are doing (and specifically at a prime legal site, their own backyard), it makes you wonder if they're going about things in the most responsible way?
using these forums to defend the RB guys' actions is not using them for good, especially when it seems you are not aware of the scope of the situation or choosing to ignore the most important facts about it
keeping your concerns for others and their safety quiet is far from the same as keeping evil private
good and evil are (IMHO) far too polarized in this context, I like to believe that most people in the BASE community care for and look out for each other and we should try and not let our personalities and some forum yip-yapping get in the way of that.
when you find yourself one canopy snagged in a treetop away from what could otherwise only have been a bad day, at the most publicly scrutinized BASE event of the year, maybe it's time to reconsider what behaviour is appropriate for which sites and events.....
that is the kind of thing that reinforces public opinion that we are crazy yahoos, not skilled and calculating sane people, who have considered not only the different possible outcomes of our actions, but also their impact on non-jumpers, before making our decisions
but, maybe that's what you need to do these days to sell beverages....
sorry for the long post, just wanted to add in some significant details that seems to have been missed in the forums
and a request for all BASE jumpers (and people thinking of starting):
-please consider what impact your possible impact will have, on all involved, before exiting
I consider you all brothers and sisters, many are role models to me and unfortunately quite a few are examples of what not to do.
I'd love the opportunity to share an exit point with every one of you some day.
see you then
What rail?
This rail - I love it!
I'd get on top of that rail right quick...for a little Spanish crusade!
Mick Knutson
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Yeah but you still can't land a canopy. PLF doesn't mean feet knees hands head. You can't stand on it anyway. Man I hate you. This feels good though. Getting some of it out there. I can't believe you can teach people to try to fly canopies with how you fly. That's just me thinking. Don't jump down and help your guy on the North side of the canyon. He musta did it to himself. Especially with you telling him or not telling him how to fly. I won't talk to you ever again cause you only hear what you want to hear and make the rest up in your head anyway. So anything else you have to say about me other than this little interweb write, you can make the shit up as big as you want. Seems to be your strenght, making things up in your head. You are invisible now to me. Have fun with it. Ha ha. Whoooo Ahhhh Ha ha ha. This type laughing feel s really good too. Weeeeeeeeeeee H aha ha hahahahahah Chuck LowenPull is rolling. Man I crack myself up sometimes. LIke NOW and forevermore. LIve Love Laugh and Fuck YOU invisible guy who's name shall not be mentioned. H ah ha hahaha
Hey I got it . . . Let's make a rule about jumping the rail so that we police ourselves and then no one will ever make any rules against us cause then We are in control and can do whatever we want.
Hmmmmm Bullshit!
The rules are like Johnny Winklecotter says" Have fun, Don't die." They aren't even rules, more like guidelines. There isn't an anti rail jumping rule inposed by anyone but the Dorks on Dorkzone. Trying to control everyone and be the voice of reason. I think it is unreasonable. I don't come to you your house and tell you how to make dinner and when to go to bed and how to wipe. That is something you can do on your own. I've spoken firsthand about this with the people in charge of the Perrine Bridge and those that enforce everything in it's counties. People love BASE jumpers and love us to have our freedoms. That is how I feel. Free. NOt pinned down to some Assholio's rules that are made up in some freaky brain that I don't want anything to do with. Uh did I just really say that sentence. Nevermind cause I'm typing my mind as I party in the sky to get home for MY NEXT RAIL JUMP as I enjoy the Freedoms that our Troops fight for so that we can enjoy them. Even if it is jumping from a RAIL with a parachute. Happy Labor day everyone. Well almost everyone. As a pro BASE jumper I'm on the clock and the rail at the same time.
Knock knock . . . . . . .Who's there . . . . . Who ? . . . . .. Who Who? . . . . .Who is with me for the Shane McConkey Rail Jam at the Perrine Bridge festival next weekend. We'll have more fun than people and help kids in Twin. Giving back to the community that stokes us out more than most other communities on the planet. Well, there is Lauterbrunnen too. BASE RACE anyone?
Chuck out.