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Thread: Decisions, decisions...

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Decisions, decisions...

    Hmmm. Perhaps you have more information about my container than I do, but;

    Quote Originally Posted by B.rad
    Actually the container was sized for a 310 as per canopy manufacturer recomendations.
    The container was manufactured for a Blackjack 280, as per my specification on the order form.

    Quote Originally Posted by B.rad
    and the closing loops were about twice the recomended length by the manufacturer.
    I started with the closing loops provided by the manufacturer, and only ever shortened them. I never used any closing loops longer than the manufacturers provided loops.
    Last edited by Tom Aiello; October 22nd, 2004 at 06:11 PM.

  2. #17

    Re: Decisions, decisions...

    Tom, when you were fifteen, you had the entire "My Little Pony" collection glued to your bed's headboard. You had long hair and you smoked Virginia Slims that you stole from the floor of your dad's VW Rabbit. Yes, I know these things. I'm making them up, but they are true just the same! Deny them all you want! WTF?

    I think he knows what his own gear was. I definitely sense an air of I-produce-this-product-so-I'm-trying-to-defend-it-anonymously going on. Did you get refunded, or was it just, "Thank you for your payment and returning the rig. This is very generous of you"?

    Maybe they did size it for a 310. Because if you want to put a Blackjack 280 in there, you need to size it for a 310. Kind of like if you want to see a good movie, you need to $hit on a parrot while taking a nap. Duh. Tom, you owe them an apology and another rig.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Aiello
    Hmmm. Perhaps you have more information about my container than I do, but;

    The container was manufactured for a Blackjack 280, as per my specification on the order form.

    I started with the closing loops provided by the manufacturer, and only every shortened them. I never used any closing loops longer than the manufacturers provided loops.
    Edit: Fu˘king bad word filter. I hate it.

  3. #18

    Re: Decisions, decisions...

    Hey Tom,

    If you are commenting on gear you purchased 3 years ago, wouldn't it be wise to base your opinion on the new gear. That's like taking about the first model year on a new production car. Fortunately we have consumers report which produces an unbiased report on things like that on every model year. Unfortunatly they don't rate Base gear. Also why would Paratec need to approch you. Give them a call. I've never heard of a company approch someone who obviously has passed judgement. That's like trying to convince a Coke drinker to switch to Pepsi. But you are entitled to your opinion. My opinion is you are basing it on old outdated information.


  4. #19
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Decisions, decisions...

    Quote Originally Posted by Will
    If you are commenting on gear you purchased 3 years ago, wouldn't it be wise to base your opinion on the new gear.
    Sure it would. And if Paratech had lived up to their word and sent me the updated fixed version to jump, I would be discussing that gear. As they have not, and I don't feel the need to sink another several hundred dollars into finding out, after my first experience, I feel pretty justified in repeating these comments when asked about the container.

    Also why would Paratec need to approch you.
    1) Because they told me they would.
    2) Because they were the ones who broke off contact.
    3) Presumably, because they would want me to have a better opinion of their gear, which I did, after all, pay for, and return without requesting a refund.

    Give them a call.
    I have. On several occasions.

    When this happened, I not only called, I sent them a detailed analysis of all their gear I had purchased. It ran to some 10 pages, and had much more detail than the review I posted.

    Don't you think they ought to try to live up to their word in (a) fixing and returning the container (something I never asked them to do, but which they came out and promised), and (b) at least calling me back, as they said they would several years ago?

  5. #20

    Re: Decisions, decisions...

    Quote Originally Posted by Will
    Also why would Paratec need to approch you.
    Are you kidding...?
    It would be in the companies best interest to do so. I bet if they made the changes and returned it the follow up review would be one of praise.

  6. #21

    Re: Decisions, decisions...

    Hey Tom,

    If someone told me they would do something for me and didn't, I guess that would piss me off too. I suppose there are two sides to every story. It's really ashame though; The oddssey fx is excellant gear in my opinion. I know your pissed at the manufacturer, so don't take this the wrong way. The day we cross paths you can try my oddssey fx out if you want.


  7. #22

    Re: Decisions, decisions...

    Tom's review has disappeared from Blinc.
    I found a cached copy of his review here.
    I know this is an old thread, but I'm looking at buying one of these.

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