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Thread: Need Help moving these Postings to Articles.

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Question Need Help moving these Postings to Articles.

    I want to move the technical discussions into articles in the Knowledge BASE. Is there anyone willing to donate time to move these discussions?

  2. #2

    Re: Need Help moving these Postings to Articles.


    Can you post an example format on how you wish for this to be done. Are you just after having the threads cut n pasted into a certain format, or do you wish for the threads to be summarised in some way?


  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help moving these Postings to Articles.

    Try these:

    My thought was, people keep aksing for fewer forums to look through, so why not take the existing forums and make knowledge base articles instead of more forums???? I am just trying to clean things up a bit.

  4. #4
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Need Help moving these Postings to Articles.

    Quote Originally Posted by mknutson
    Try these:

    My thought was, people keep aksing for fewer forums to look through, so why not take the existing forums and make knowledge base articles instead of more forums???? I am just trying to clean things up a bit.
    I think it's actually kind of nice to have the point-counterpoint of the discussions as posted. I wonder if that might be lost in translating them to articles.

    I, personally, really like having the technical articles pulled out and preserved in a separate forum. I'm all for keeping this forum. If you want to reduce the number of forums, I'd suggest making this a "read only" forum, where technical discussions get moved eventually. That way, it'll be a great resource for people wanting to just read up on general technical information, and get as many points of view as possible.

    I also think that summarizing some of these threads as articles is a very good idea. I'd be willing to pitch in and help with that, as I'm sure such a project would be very large.

  5. #5

    Re: Need Help moving these Postings to Articles.

    I, personally, really like having the technical articles pulled out and preserved in a separate forum. I'm all for keeping this forum. If you want to reduce the number of forums, I'd suggest making this a "read only" forum, where technical discussions get moved eventually. That way, it'll be a great resource for people wanting to just read up on general technical information, and get as many points of view as possible.
    I agree, this is a good idea, and does keep technical discusssion in one place to help people read through without the hassle of ploughing through alot of non-technical threads. My only thought on this is that if left to the main board to be moved at a later date, then there will be some amount of "banter" within this threads that perhaps will also require cleaning up before moving to the technical forum. I think that keeping the technical forum as is, and moving technical threads as they appear in the main board is the best way to keep the technical forum free from banter. What do other people think about this?

    I also think that summarizing some of these threads as articles is a very good idea. I'd be willing to pitch in and help with that, as I'm sure such a project would be very large.
    Having articles on certain subjects is a good idea, but as you say I think the project is quite large and will require the help from people who are a bit better at writing and communicating than someone like me!! hehe

  6. #6
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Need Help moving these Postings to Articles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mac
    My only thought on this is that if left to the main board to be moved at a later date, then there will be some amount of "banter" within this threads that perhaps will also require cleaning up before moving to the technical forum.
    How necessary do you think such thread cleanup is? In other words, how hard is it to read past the banter?

    I'm just thinking that I don't usually have trouble skipping the banter and finding the meat of the thread. Plus, what do we do with the banter? Just delete it and accept that? Is there some way to save it in the archives of the main board, or something?

  7. #7

    Re: Need Help moving these Postings to Articles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Aiello
    How necessary do you think such thread cleanup is? In other words, how hard is it to read past the banter?
    Well not a great issue reading past the banter, but I would prefer to read technical threads without it - I am sure there are others that would agree - especially if the banter goes back and forth between a few individuals and gets to be "in jokes"................
    I'm just thinking that I don't usually have trouble skipping the banter and finding the meat of the thread. Plus, what do we do with the banter? Just delete it and accept that? Is there some way to save it in the archives of the main board, or something?
    Which is kinda my point to keep the technical forum as is and move any technical post as it happens to it............ it makes review of them easier, and also if being summarised into articles, makes this job easier too............

    but then again, maybe not though hey...................

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