I just wanted to send out a quick thanks to everyone for making the Bridge Day 2004 video festival a huge success. There were countless comments from spectators about how much better the event went, the quality of the videos, dual big screen broadcasts of the videos, and how special it was to have the representation on the judges panel from such legends of BASE as the Harrison crew and Nick D.
Had I not been over amped from the “dare to streak the crowd” by an “unnamed organizer” prior to my introductionI would have more coherently addressed the winners from the event but the winners were:
1st Place – Continuum II by Triax Productions, which also premiered for the second time Saturday evening.
2nd Place – Adrenaline Exploits (Jay Epstein) Mexico BASE that includes the Cave of the Swallows and El Gigante.
3rd Place – Robert Pecnik's, of Phoenix Fly, amazing BASE wing suite and track pant footage.
1st Place won a snow board donated by Jason Bell.
2nd Place won a $100.00 gift certificate or 10% off the next purchase from Apex BASE.
3rd Place won a video package donated by Triax Productions.
There was actually a five way tie for forth place and each won their pick of sweatshirts donated Vertical Visions. We will be posting the scores, written highlights, and contestants from each film on the Vertical Vision website in the near future. Thank you all for your entries.
Some other highlights from the event:
The amazing footage provided by Rick and Joy Harrison of the completion of BASE #1, 2, 3, and 4 and some “old time” footage that not even we dare try. They truly represent the heart of what BASE was and has become.
The special award given to Tom Aiello from Nick D, Tom is perhaps one of the most under appreciated people in our sport and recognition of his efforts is long over due.
The 50th birthday surprise for Nick D was also extremely special. He might not remember it since his score sheet had one legible word "cave" in the upper right hand corner. Regardless it really emphasized our respect and admiration for those of who helped pioneer what we do today possible.
The footage of this year’s amazing Super Bowl BASE exhibition provided by K from Apex BASE, formerly Basic Research.
Tom Aiello’s footage of Russel Metlitsky’s (paraplegic BASE jumper) jumps which were truly inspirational and Russel took a leap further with his incredible jump the following day.
It was a great event and it would not have been possible without everyone’s cooperation and patience. Most of all it was my privilege to spend a few days with each of you and can’t wait to do it again.
Thanks again and I look forward to seeing you all again in the near future.
Tony "Donk" DiCola