I have a friend in NZ at the moment who has spent the last 10 months of his year work visa recovering from a swooping accident (he hit a fence post sticking out of the ground) . Due to the laws he has to leave the country for 12 months before he returns again. He is flying out to Oz next week and is wanting to stay there for the 12 months before his return to work in NZ. He has limited access to the net, so I am just trying to find him some help in getting some sort of work at DZ's in Oz. Although he is intiallly going to be based in Melbourne, he can and will travel to anywhere where he can get work.
He has approx 1500 skydives, and will do anything from camera work to packing to clearing trash............ ideally he would like to get his aussie tandem rating.
If anyone has any contacts or ideas that could help him I would apreciate it.