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Thread: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

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  1. #1

    Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    In my preparation to a FJC I decided to do a couple of Hop ‘n Pop’s on my Troll 265. My exit weight with a student skydiving rig is around 200, which would put me on a 0.75 wing load. I also have the jumps on video (prove that I did not deploy on my back or anything stupid like that).

    I did two jumps on the canopy from around 5,000ft. On the third pack the packer called me over. He pointed out to me that one of the lines was burnt. Under my inspection I noticed it was not just one of the break lines but in fact there were a couple of lines that were burnt. The burns were very noticeable and I do not think it would of passed Quality Control (If they have one) like it was. The packer who connected the canopy to the harness not the same that I used to packet it, said he would of definitely seen that when he put it onto the rig if it was there.

    Now the thought’s are that it was not packed properly and there might have been a pressure not that burnt it. The Red line is the worst but there is a whole line set that is burnt at around the same place suggesting to me that if that was the case maybe the red break line rapped around an entire group set and burnt them. See figure 1.

    Figure 1

    In closer inspection I also noticed that some of the line attachment points have double attachments, which the lines are meant to run through both. One of the lines, I can not remember which one only ran through one of the double line attachment point.

    I was informed by the distributor that it was for reinforcing as those take more impact than the others.

    I was told that it was the packers fault for not packing the canopy properly, however the lines were replaced free of charge and the one line that went through only one line attachment point was also fixed.

    Any thought’s on the burnt lines?

  2. #2
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    Is it a 5 control line canopy?

  3. #3

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    Yes a Troll does have 5 upper control lines.

    Most of the latest BASE canopies on the market (Flik, Troll, Ace and Blackjack) have 5 upper control lines.

  4. #4
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    I've seen line burn on many 5 line canopies. I'm still trying to narrow down what might be going on. Interestingly. I've seen the same canopies with the fifth line removed, and they pretty much stopped showing the symptoms.

    Some experienced jumpers have actually removed the 5th control line from their canopies. See 5th Upper Control Line Discussion on the ABA forum for more.

    At least two of the 5 control line canopies (FOX, Troll) were initially released in a 4 line configuration.

  5. #5

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    Strangely, enough I just got off the phone with Rob from Morpheus and asked the comment why it seems that the ozzie’s don’t like the 5 line canopy’s that much. His response was that most people that have had loads of 4 line canopy experience just don’t like it full stop.

    Another thing to remember is that the Troll was just being pro-packed so it could well possible be a packing error because the lines were not all taught? I don’t know what do you recon?

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
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    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Aiello
    I've seen line burn on many 5 line canopies. I'm still trying to narrow down what might be going on. Interestingly. I've seen the same canopies with the fifth line removed, and they pretty much stopped showing the symptoms.

    Some experienced jumpers have actually removed the 5th control line from their canopies. See 5th Upper Control Line Discussion on the ABA forum for more.

    At least two of the 5 control line canopies (FOX, Troll) were initially released in a 4 line configuration.
    I can add that i got a 5th line mod on my Fox,i also noticed line burns,after i got the line removed it stopped aswell.....One of the concerns that might could take action to remove the 5th line on my Flik as it arrives

  7. #7

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.


    Can you confirm how bad the burns were? As bad as figure 1? Or just a little abrasion?

  8. #8
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    The burns I've seen have been as bad or worse than the ones in your photo.

  9. #9
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    Quote Originally Posted by nitr8
    ...most people that have had loads of 4 line canopy experience just don’t like it full stop.
    I don't buy that. The first people to start jumping 5 line canopies, and liking them, had hundreds (close to thousands) of jumps on 4 line canopies.

    I really think it's a personal preference thing. 5 lines appear to give a shorter control stroke, a bit stronger flare (actually, perhaps they compensate for poor flare technique) and "snappier" toggle response. I think whether you like it or not is going to be independent of your level of experience. I've also noticed that short, fat guys like me tend toward the 5th line (as our short arms can't get the full toggle stroke on the big canopies with 4 control lines).

    Quote Originally Posted by nitr8
    Another thing to remember is that the Troll was just being pro-packed so it could well possible be a packing error because the lines were not all taught? I don’t know what do you recon?
    Since we've seen the same symptoms on canopies packed properly for BASE, I'd doubt that's the cause. However, I have theorized, occasionally, that the odd length of the fifth line allows some slack to creep into the system. So if that were the case, I can see how a pro-pack would exacerbate the situation. Definitely something to think about.

  10. #10
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) skydive1224's Avatar
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    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    I have a FLIK with the 5th control line. I've put almost 90 jumps on it and have not seen any wear like that on the lines. I get the twists out of my control lines on every single jump, so I check for anything with the lines that might be wrong. But seeing those pictures really scares me.


  11. #11

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    I also have a Flik. V-Tec. with 5 th control line I purchased
    over a year ago.
    I have only done slider up jumps on this canopy.
    After a jump last night, I inspected the brake line cascades.
    and found one abrasion on one line.

    I don't now if it came from a line to line friction

    Abrasion from friction from snagging a bush or Rock.
    Or snagging an object on the ground when bagging
    the canopy in the stash bag.

    A lot of the jumps were done in the dark.
    It could have been my fault.

  12. #12
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
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    May 2002

    Re: Line Burn and Missed Attachment Point.

    My burns were not that bad,but close to,but servals of them.

    I agree whith Tom,i used the 5th line to get the stronger flare,as i suspected it to give me a softer landing after my injury.

    After i removed the 5th line i discovered that the canopy seems more easy to sink,were the 5th line often could make it easy to stall

    Not the above is how i felt it all.I did not regret that i got the 5th line mod on my Fox but as im working more to sink in to the LZ i feels that the 4 lines does a better/easy job.,but thats just me

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