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Thread: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) QuickDraw's Avatar
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    Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Not sure how new this news is..

    If you see people flinging themselves off casinos Monday and Tuesday, don’t worry — they’re professionals.

    Four athletes will B.A.S.E. jump off xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx, the xxxx xxxxx, xxxxx xxxxx xxxx, xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx and xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx buildings.

    B.A.S.E. stands for Building, Antenna, Span, Earth. Jumpers use modified parachutes to slow themselves down and land safely.

    Because it is illegal to jump off most of the objects B.A.S.E. jumpers covet, there are no reliable records tracking the sport’s feats, but the athletes and organizers involved say this will be the first legal multi-tower jump in the United States.

    “I think it says our city is easy to work with, ‘gets it’ and is willing to take a risk,” said Deanna Ashby, the director of marketing for the Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority.

    Which is not to say that Reno is promoting B.A.S.E. jumping, she said.

    Energy drink Red Bull organized the stunt to promote the Red Bull Air Race, an aerobatics competition scheduled for the 41st National Championship Air Races and Air Show at Stead Field. Such extreme sports events mesh with Reno-Tahoe’s “America’s Adventure Place” tourism campaign, Ashby said.

    For the B.A.S.E. jumpers involved, the opportunity satisfies a different dream.

    “I’ve been drooling all over these buildings like Pavlov’s dog for years,” said Miles Daisher, who lived in Squaw Valley for 11 years until this year.

    Two other jumpers have also been eyeing the buildings, he said. Shane McConkey, a Squaw resident and skiing superstar, and Charles Bryan, a Tahoe-Donner resident and skydiving pioneer, will jump with Daisher. Othar Lawrence, a world-renowned paraglider from Utah, is the fourth member of the team.

    During an interview Thursday from his new home in Twin Falls, Idaho, home of one of the few bridges in the United States where B.A.S.E. jumping is allowed, Daisher acknowledged the illegal nature of the sport. He thought some of the hotel-casinos might have been illegally B.A.S.E. jumped before, although he declined to be specific.The buildings, which vary in height from the 270-foot xxxxxx xxxxxx to the 335-foot xxxx xxxxxx, present a challenge because most jumps take place from heights between 500 and 1,000 feet. Short falls leave jumpers with a tiny margin of error, he said.

    Daisher said the team has taken precautions to ensure their safety.

    Each team member jumps frequently enough to keep their skills honed; Daisher jumps every day. The team inspected each of the buildings and chose the jump sites based on factors such as wind direction and the availability of safe landing zones, Daisher said. They scheduled the jumps at times of day when the wind typically doesn’t blow too fast. If wind speeds exceed 20 mph, the team will delay or cancel the jump, he said.

    “It’s always better to live another day than to jump when conditions aren’t safe or something isn’t right,” he said. “Momma didn’t raise no dummy. We wanna stick it.”

    The parachutes B.A.S.E. jumpers use resemble skydiving reserve parachutes, he said. Compared to regular parachutes, they are larger, open faster and are more maneuverable.

    “I’m going to point to where I’m going to land and then stick that spot,” he said.

    Then, in a classic extreme sports moment, an idea occurred to him: a Keno board on the ground in which participants could bet on where he would land, with bonus spots for injuries or deaths.

    “I’m going to talk to the casino owners about that one,” he said.

    While official arrangements hadn’t been made for a B.A.S.E. jump Keno board, RSCVA and Red Bull officials said they lined up permission from the casinos and made arrangements with the Reno police department for the jumps.

    Ashby and Red Bull anticipate national publicity from the event, especially with elusive but important young demographics. The new Red Bull Air Race will also attract younger spectators to the Reno air races, she said.

    Red Bull, one of the first and most successful energy drink makers, benefits by having their products associated with cool, exciting sports and athletes, said spokesman Michael Ladinig. The company also sponsored the Pro Wakeboard Tour at the Sparks Marina and the Silver Belt ski competition at Sugar Bowl.

    Red Bull is also supporting a free American Motorcyclist Association supermoto event scheduled for Oct. 2 in Reno.

    Supermoto combines off-road motocross racing with street motorcyle racing. The sport, big in Europe, has been making headway in the United States. When ESPN added supermoto for the first time to last month’s X-Games, the competitions were the buzz of the games.

    The Oct. 2 supermoto course will create yet another juxtaposition of extreme sports with downtown Reno: the street loop carved out of Arlington, Island, Sierra and First streets downtown incorporates dirt tracks with jumps in a vacant lot along that route.
    Edited to add: there are also links to this and other BASE related sites at the side of this article.
    Last edited by QuickDraw; September 12th, 2004 at 05:57 AM. Reason: More information added
    --- Hope you don't die. ---

  2. #2
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Wouldn't it be funny if we all showed up and started making illegal jumps during their event?

    I mean, turnabout is fair play, right?

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Ray Losli special

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Aiello
    Wouldn't it be funny if we all showed up and started making illegal jumps during their event?

    I mean, turnabout is fair play, right?
    I would love to hear what the Red Bull team would say to the media when someone was arrested for doing a bandit jump off one of the buildings during their filming.

  4. #4

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Aiello
    Wouldn't it be funny if we all showed up and started making illegal jumps during their event?

    I mean, turnabout is fair play, right?
    I'm in.

  5. #5
    Clif Huckstable

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Are you crybabies still whining? My God jumping those buildings sure was fun! Being sponsored sure is great. Oh yea, I'm coming back to Twin Falls soon to play on my bridge again. 9/16 - 9/20 I'll allow you all to jump then if you want to. Meet me at the exit point. I'll be the one with the hack saw and the water skis and the beer standing on the top rail at rush hour taking a leak and throwing bowling balls at the boats below. Ya know, like I always do.

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) QuickDraw's Avatar
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    England UK.

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Not sure if this is really a technical question & as a newbie I try not to post in there,
    but looking at a photo from the event, I noticed that the guy doing the McConkey (I'm guessing it's Shane) has a slider.

    Is this the norm ? and does the slider have to be held to stop it going down the lines ?

    I always believed that below 300ft a slider was more of a hindrance than anything else.

    --- Hope you don't die. ---

  7. #7
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Quote Originally Posted by QuickDraw
    I noticed that the guy doing the McConkey has a slider.
    There is a fair amount of discussion about this. No one is really an expert on these jumps, so it's pretty much just all opinions. Here's mine:

    I wouldn't use a slider on a McConkey unless you really need it for opening separation. I've noticed that this practice is fairly wide spread and I think it's a disaster waiting to happen.

    I've seen several line overs on slider up McConkey's. Spinning in under a slider up line over is _not_ my idea of a good time.

    Sliders were originally added to the mix in an effort to keep the canopy together down there (since it was blowing around). In my opinion, a tailgate performs this function in an equivalent manner, and has the added benefit of inhibiting line overs. There are additional heading issues with _either_ a slider or a tailgate (although there appear to be slightly less of them with the slider than the tailgate).

    Better yet, just don't do McConkey's when there is enough wind to matter.

  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) pringles's Avatar
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    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    I might be confused. It looks as though in the pic his slider is probably tied down. It doesn't appear to be a slider up McConkey. Are you saying that leaving the slider tied down helps control the canopy? From what you wrote I gather that you think slider up Mc's are kinda silly. I think quick draw was wondering if he had gone slider up or if it was just tied down.

    Like I said, I am confused now.
    Matt Davies

    "Do you want to see the whole thing or can I just pull out enough to win this contest?"

  9. #9
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Whoa. That was weird. I tried to post a response and ended up editing Pringles post instead. What the heck? Maybe I just need to set down the keyboard and step slowly away from the computer...

    Ok, I fixed it.

  10. #10
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Quote Originally Posted by pringles
    It looks as though in the pic his slider is probably tied down.
    I hadn't even looked at the picture. I was just responding to Quickdraw's words, and hadn't took the time to let the photo load.

    You are correct, that looks like the slider is just tied down out of the way.

  11. #11
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) QuickDraw's Avatar
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    May 2003
    England UK.

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    I might be confused. It looks as though in the pic his slider is probably tied down. It doesn't appear to be a slider up McConkey. Are you saying that leaving the slider tied down helps control the canopy? From what you wrote I gather that you think slider up Mc's are kinda silly. I think quick draw was wondering if he had gone slider up or if it was just tied down.

    Like I said, I am confused now.
    Just to clarify.. i was wondering why he had one at all, and if so whether it needed to be tied/held down (slider down only).

    Thanks for the replys btw.
    --- Hope you don't die. ---

  12. #12
    Tom Aiello

    Re: Legal multi-tower jumps scheduled.

    Quote Originally Posted by QuickDraw
    i was wondering why he had one at all, and if so whether it needed to be tied/held down (slider down only).
    There's no real downside to tying the slider down instead of removing it. It's a bit more convenient, but puts a little more bulk and mess in the pack tray. Obviously that doesn't matter on an unpacked jump. Personal preferences on packed jumps vary, and are just that--personal preferences.

    You definitely do need it attached to the links somehow on a McConkey (otherwise it would slide down/up to the canopy).

    The only other real effect is the (minor) effect on canopy flight (a less constrained canopy is shaped better, which is why you see swooping pilots loosening their chest straps). On a BASE canopy, this effect is quite small.

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