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Thread: Just climbed down

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) pringles's Avatar
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    Jan 2001

    Thumbs down Just climbed down

    Well I went out with a friend tonight and we both climbed down. What a pain in the ass. Its the first time I have climbed down in over a year. I got hurt once earlier this year because it was too dark in the landing area. So I promised myself I wouldn't do that again. So I stuck to it tonight, and I climbed down. Now that I am home the cloud cover is gone and the moon is out. Go figure. Well better luck next time.
    Matt Davies

    "Do you want to see the whole thing or can I just pull out enough to win this contest?"

  2. #2

    Re: Just climbed down

    Yes, but the object is still there and you are still in one piece. That's a successful outing.

    There is nothing "wimpy" about saying "no" if it isn't right.

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) pringles's Avatar
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    Re: Just climbed down

    I wish I had the energy right now. I would go back now that there will be some light.
    Matt Davies

    "Do you want to see the whole thing or can I just pull out enough to win this contest?"

  4. #4

    Smile Re: Just climbed down

    Quote Originally Posted by pringles
    Well I went out with a friend tonight and we both climbed down. What a pain in the ass. Its the first time I have climbed down in over a year. I got hurt once earlier this year because it was too dark in the landing area. So I promised myself I wouldn't do that again. So I stuck to it tonight, and I climbed down. Now that I am home the cloud cover is gone and the moon is out. Go figure. Well better luck next time.

    Makes you feel good though, dud'n it? I mean the fact that you made the right choice.

    I was on a 600'er last winter, it was cold. I'm getting ready to jump and a car pulls up and parks below. Far enough away they couldn't see me climbing, but would have surely seen me jump. And I didn't want that. So I waited, and waited, and waited. The car won. I was freezing to the tower, so I decided it would be best to climb down. I get down to within 10' of the ground and the car leaves. I was determined, so I started climbing back up. I get to about 450', and the car comes back and parks in the same spot. All I could do was laugh. I climbed down twice in one night, off the same tower.


  5. #5

    Re: Just climbed down

    One time three of us went up the ladder on this Tower.
    The wind was really blowing hard. We get to the top and
    the wind switched directions. We did not assess the other
    landing area on that side of the wires, (never do that again)
    so we climbed down the ladder, back over the top of the
    motion detector. Shimmied across a pipe to the top of
    the roof of the building. Then out the compound to check
    out the other landing area.

    We did that, then repeated our climb up. We get almost
    to the top and the wind is screaming down the wire.
    I'm on the bottom of the climb, all of sudden I make the
    decision and say "****it I'm out of hear." I am way down
    the ladder (opening height) when CRACK, my buddy opens
    up in front of me with line twists and his head pinned down
    to his head by his Risers. Then fly's or (canopy fly's him)
    between the Guy-wires.
    That holds my attention and I'm staring up at my other
    friend and thinking that he will down the ladder momentarily.
    Crack, he opens up in front of me, on Heading and lands like
    the game-plan we all made.
    Last edited by Raymond Losli; August 8th, 2004 at 09:41 PM.

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
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    May 2002

    Re: Just climbed down

    once i got my BASEomobike, i desided to drive the 10 mins (in car) to this nice 300fter.. just to find out i couldnt drive at thouse roads,it took me 1 hour at the bike before i reached the A..I then did hide the bike and started the climb.. as i went to the 200ft basket a securety car parked just under the A,He then released his dog,who straight away marked at the A were i started to climb up..The guy started to light up in the A,but he couldnt see me(guess i were out of the range for his light),in this time the dog kept getting mad at the point were i traspassed and were i started the climb..
    The guy walked arround for aprox 30 mins,then he took his dog and went on.. i stayed up there another 15 mins before i darred to move..At that point winds had changed directing and got strong,i desided that i would not jump,so i climed down,thinking of that i would have 1 hour of drive on my bike back home,just for nothing.. the drive took me 20mins as i took the bike out at the main road and desided to play dumb if the police showed up..
    all that work..but i didnt felt wrong that i desided not to jump,it just proved to me that even as im a lazy boy i rather not jump if it aint right and do the hard work again...

    climb downs aint fun,but you learn from them aswell

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) mtnlion667's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Re: Just climbed down

    i climb down half the time anyway, but our last one was actually for an entertaining reason. 340' up our 500' power tower when we hit the narrow spot and had to switch ladders. as i step off the ladder, i nearly kicked a large black suitcase that was lashed to the handrail. being that we are on a high terror alert, we immediatly assumed the worst. silly bastards, it was probably just tools. we thought of climbing past it but got paranoid of motion detectors and alarms as we have been frequenting the object alot lately and they even moved our ladder up higher. never blew up, so i guess we'll just have to walk past it next time. sometimes just getting out is enough......

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