Where is my video? I should definitely have gotten it by now. Everyone else has, but not me. If I do not get it soon, I will have no choice but to club a harp seal to death with my favorite soup ladle. And we all know how long it would take to kill even a baby harp seal with a plastic soup ladle. At best it would take about 10 minutes of constant clubbing, and if your arm gets tired you're kinda screwed because while your arm is resting the seal will recover a little bit and you will be back to square one. I know, you all are saying, "Hey, just bash away with your other arm while you rest the one you started with." Well, I'm not very coordinated so I would probably hit myself in the shin or something. Knutson, don't remove this post, as I'm completely serious about this. Anyway, please send me a video. I don't think the facts that I was not at NRGB or never even ordered a video should be a problem. I deserve one because people like me a LOT. If you know how much I was beloved by my parents, you would say, "Damnit, that guy deserves a free video." Anyway, I recommend we get on the ball, get a video out to me, and never mention the subject again. Tree, I have your car keys. I'm afraid I used up your mace on some snails in my garden yesterday. I'm sorry.