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Thread: b-day

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1


    siting here watching a few videos, getting stoked about bridge day. wondering if anybody had some cool stories to tell. this year will be my first. advice, or anything, would be cool!!!!!

  2. #2

    RE: b-day

    Too many to type. BD is awsome!!!!!!!

    Practice accuracy NOW! Get as many 7-cell accuracy jumps as you can before BD.

    Get pads! Helmet, knee pads, ankle support, boots etc.. The more the better. BD is fun, but you can get busted up very easily if you don't have the correct gear.

    Get BASE specific gear if possible! At least get a 7-cell f-111 canopy that is in very good order. Then, go to the DZ and make as many accuracy jumps as you can with that main canopy.

    You dry faster than you heal
    The water is the very best landing area in every respect!

    [a href=/cgi-bin/gallery/imageFolio.cgi]
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  3. #3

    RE: b-day

    You can always listen to Mick. He is smart and really cares about your safety. If you have never been to an event like this, you are in for a treat. You know, skydivers are Bohemians, but BASE jumpers take that to a new level. Ninety-nine percent of them are the nicest people around, with a few assholes thrown in for good measure. :*
    (Some people get confused between being cool and being obnoxious, but it's that way at the DZ, too, huh?)
    The jumping is nonstop.
    The parties are great.
    The trade show is awesome.
    The area is gorgeous.
    The weather is unpredictable (30s to 80s).
    Have fun!

  4. #4

    RE: b-day

    That's right!!

    I almost forgot to mention it. The last 3 years have been very warm. It is usually NOT warm that time of year. Bring a rain jacket/wind breaker. You never know how crappy it can get.

    It is better to bring it and not need it, than need it and not have it!

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