When the bridge was finally opened in 1977, then Gov John D Rockefeller IV,
invited everyone to an open house. He had 2 of the 4 lanes of traffic
blocked off so
that the states residents could walk out onto the deck and enjoy a view that
otherwise they would never be able to see while traveling 55 mph across the
bridge in their cars. This actually was the "Grand Opening" ceremony and
was never meant to be a regular event. For one thing, it's technically
illegal to close off any part of a roadway such as this. And even though
the law was very plain concerning this fact, enough people clammered for
the event that most every official looked the other way when it was decided
that Bridge Day would become a yearly event. Actually it was never written
in stone that there would BE a "Bridge Day". It just managed to happen
year to year somehow. Of course when we finally got permission to legally
jump the bridge, then it was a matter of turning a relatively small affair
into the monster we know today. Every year it grew bigger, and hundreds of
thousands of dollars were being made for the vendors (who by now had set-up)
and the hotels/restaurants etc. However, due to the fact that technically
it's still unlawful to close the bridge, this
is the reason that we only have a 6 hour "window" to do our thing. It's
also the reason that Bridge Day never became a 2 day event. Nothing would
make the
people of Fayette County happier (not to mention the jumpers) than to have
Bridge Day over an entire weekend. And the way I see it, if the officials
can "look the other way" for one day...they can do it for two days right?
Well anyway, guess we're lucky to have the one day.
( From The Official Bridge Day History
ttp://members.citynet.net/skydiver/ )
As you can see, this is a tricky situation, especially now since the
National Park Service has it's grubby little hands on it also. A rumor has
circulated that a request from Washington to the Park Service to vote for
closing the bridge this year cant be substantiated. What we DO know is that
it would have taken extra money for security, and now Fayette County Fingers
are pointing all over the place. (Especially towards Gov Bob Wise, who just
hired a former Band Director to head up the states Economic Development
Office to the tune of $175.000 a year!)
I was all over the news media concerning that fact. The guy wasnt worth
more than $75,000 tops and some of the savings could have gone towards
security for Bridge Day, and REALLY helped the economy!