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Thread: Norway/Europe

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  1. #1


    Hi. I'm gonna be hitting Norway for a couple weeks, and my buddy and I also want to tour the continent for a little bit. Having never traveled to Europe on my own dollar before, I could use a bit of advice on how much money it takes to exist there.
    Basically, if you were a semi-poor U.S. BASE jumper on a budget, how much money would you bring for a 3-4 week stay? We plan to stay in hostels, travel by train, sponge off the generosity of unsuspecting locals, etc. This includes a week and a half to two weeks of jumping in Norway.
    Any advice would be great. Thanks.

  2. #2

    RE: Norway/Europe

    check out
    Leave a post there, and I'm sure someone will help you out with some more info.

  3. #3

    RE: Norway/Europe

    assuming you don't read norwegian:
    at onheading go to

    "HeadBook ;-)"

    then click

    "Skriv et innlegg" and you can post

  4. #4

    RE: Norway/Europe

    ive done a bit of travel. generally the further south you go in europe the less and less expensive. the further north the dearer. buy eurorail tickets to cover the dates, countries, periods that you intend. this will save you a lot unless base jumper locals will drive you about to see the sights. The youth hostels (international, and imitation) backpacker hostels, penciones, campgrounds, are a good choice. bring light tents, and definitely sleeping bags. costs in northern europe for inexperienced american travelers who have already purchased eurorail or the country equivalent of a train/bus bulk pass and who do not know locals, and are not linguists are between 1000 and 1200 american dollars per month per person, but two or more travelling together can cut the per person cost down by at least 200-350 dollars. Get the international youth hostel book; this will provide much useful info, and the hostels are often friendly and helpful with experienced travelers of all ages. enjoy!!!!! keep in mind that these costs assume you are eating frequently out of supermarket, grocery store, market type of establishments and not restaurants and etc. cya

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