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Thread: PC Hesitation

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  1. #1

    PC Hesitation

    Question on PC Hesitation. Please feel free to send me down in flames as i'm not a base jumper but thought people here would be well equiped to answer this question.

    The other day I did quite a low altitude balloon jump (low for me but not for you, left @ 2500ft) did about 8 sec delay and deployed normal ZP 32" PC from BOC on a sabre 170. Anyway it scared the living **** out of me when I had about a 3 second hesitation.
    I was under the impression that an 8 sec delay would be fine on this size PC. Body position was good, gave it a good hard throw out and closing loop was not to tight. Any ideas about the hesitation.??

  2. #2

    RE: PC Hesitation

    Hello George,
    to state it clear in advance: I am not an expert BASE jumper (in fact I have, so far, few BASE jumps). But I think I have quite a good knowledge about BASE equipment, and in any case, other expert fellow BASE jumpers of ours can say their opinion.
    While after 8" you are at 92% of terminal velocity (with respect to 12" of delay where you reach 98% of terminal velocity) and you would have a theoretical pull force of your ZP 32" PC of 69 kg (with respect to 12" of delay where you would have a theoretical pull force of your ZP 32" PC of 79 kg), the point here is that the theoretical remains theoretical unless you have a fully deployed (=inflated) PC: if your PC is not inflated because it felt into your back burble, you have 0 kg as real pulling force of your PC!
    So one possibility of your PC esitation is that the combination of only 93% of terminal velocity and a 7' - 2.13 m bridle would let your PC to float in your burble for a while, and when eventually it inflates (being the bridle already extended) it does not have the same snatch force of a PC inflating and stretching the bridle to its full extension at one time.
    It is not for nothing that 100% (or so) of BASE rigs have a 9' - 2.74 m bridle just to let the PC stay out of the burble at nonterminal speeds of jumper.
    I took 3 balloon jumps before attempting my first BASE jump, and in one jump I pulled after 8", having a very fast and sharp opening, but I was jumping with my Javelin in which I packed my Fox 245 Multi with BASE 9' - 2.74 m bridle and 35" ZP PC.
    So, if you took another jump from balloon, try to install a BASE 9' bridle and possibly a bigger (34"÷36" ) PC; yes, I know it is very difficult to do that because skydiving canopies come with collapsible PC and so (unless you change canopy) you cannot install a bridle different from the original one because it is sewn on the bag.
    But, anyway, if you had the possibility, try to go with a 9' BASE bridle (even with your 32" ZP PC), I think that would clear any esitation.
    I hope Space could be of help in this matter if he read this thread.
    Blue Skies

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: PC Hesitation

    When you're talking about skydiving gear, it will always be a mystery unless you have video.

  4. #4

    RE: PC Hesitation

    From 2,500ft,an 8 sec delay puts you in BASE territory. Be careful there. I mean BASE territory in that you were intentionally going below 2,000ft, which last time I read USPA's rules stated that 2,000ft is pull altitude for any license jumper. Not a problem to dump around 1,500 ft, but you better know your gear. What would have you done after a 5 sec hesitation? how about 10 sec hesitation? When were you planning a reserve ride? I mean when you start testing the basement, have your shhit well thought out and know your gear, or else..........

  5. #5

    RE: PC Hesitation

    Thanks all, Mr.Faa, thanks for the advice, I had taken on board the fact I would be dumping below 2000. My reasons for doing this is that I eventually want to do a base jump and I was trying to make this as real as posible, good exit,and also going into a track position after exit etc. I wanted to do this without putting myself in too much danger. I take on board what you are saying, and lurned a valuble lesson. I wasn't ready for the sh** to hit the fan if things started going pear shaped.But you live and lurn. My next balloon jump was from 3500 and I was waiting for it to go tit's up but it never happened.
    Thanks for the advice

  6. #6

    RE: PC Hesitation

    No problem. I've seen some pissed off people at drop zones for that kind of action. I've also wanted to do balloon jumps for that reason. I figured if you find a big enough tower, and can track subterminal decent, it should be like a low skydive. More advice would be TAKE A BASE COURSE!
    These are offered by people who know a ton about the sport and will help you with it. And George, making a first jump isn't as easy as having the right gear or knowing your skydive rig will open. It takes a LARGE mental commitment. Starting with others is definitely a good idea.
    Peace, and good luck with the jump when you go
    And I also have learned by phucking things up. But, BASE is even less forgiving than skydiving. WE all make mistakes sooner or later. Question is what are you doing when you make the mistake. Calling out the wrong name in bed is less severe than an off heading from 300' Antenna, but both teach you a valuable lesson.

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