Hi All,
I am not a BASE jumper yet! I was just reading around here until now, and hanging out with other skydivers who do BASE too.
Now, I was looking at videos for a while now, and I thought I was pretty abservent. Until last week, when I was out with a few of my friend for dinner and we were talking about BASE rigs. There where I made a bit of joke of my self, when I asked them about BASE toggles. I asked them about a type of toggle that I have seen on a video before, but none of my friend rig hase it.
What I have seen was an opening clip, where I was pretty sure, that the guys toggle was a metal handle, kind of looks like the handle you pull in an old fashion loo. Please do not laugh!
That image was so clear in my mind, that after they did laugh a good while at me, I did not try to pruve.
There is where I nee d some one's help out there please.
Is there such toggle, or I was really some where in la-la land when I saw that video?????
All comment would be appreciated, just please do not laugh any more.
Take care,