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Thread: just wondering about loose velcro??

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  1. #1

    just wondering about loose velcro??

    A two second delay off a bridge, and as I am on the outer ledge focusing on my actions to be, I hear a velcro flap rip open. I know that is the right side flap, and none of the other flaps. Canopy stays in, but is definitely looser on that side. "Phuck it" and jump anyway, no terminal, premature deployment not a problem.... or is it? What kind of deployment problems could arise from this? uneven extraction, twisting, flipping, rolling???? Just wondering, cause I know you can get away with it.

  2. #2

    RE: just wondering about loose velcro??

    you could die? The last time I thought what's the worst that could happen is when I didn't do my routine double check on my pack job to see if my toggles were routed correctly. Blew the toggles off of the risers. Ended up lucky with bruised ribs and a black and blue butt on a talus with 20 witnesses watching. Lesson learned; the object will always be there and you can always jump it later.
    take the time to repack it,reclose it, and/or re-inspect it, but that's just my opinion.
    Brian s

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