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Thread: Freefall Calculator Confusion

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  1. #1

    Freefall Calculator Confusion

    Could some one explain the free-fall calculator provided on this site? ( It seems to contradict several of the other posted pilot chute / delay calculators. My particular concern is with the Pilot chute recommendations. I.e. According to this chart, a 5 second delay equates to 1 free-fall second and recommends a 46' Pilot chute... if I am reading this chart properly. This is quite contradictory to some other reputable BASE resources.

    BR ( suggest a 38' Pilot chute for a 5 second delay.

    CR ( also suggests a 38' PC for a 5 second delay.

    Maybe my brain is a little fried (to many Antennas... amongst other things ;->) and if I am misinterpreting the chart but chances are others might as well.



  2. #2

    RE: Freefall Calculator Confusion

    1st. This chart is going to be rebuit when I find the time.

    2nd. the 5 seconds you are speaking about is "Drop distance" used when doing a rock drop to find distance.
    They are all approximate of coarse.

    So if you get a 5 second rock drop you should be at 355' above the ground. You should take about a 1 second delay. And a 46" Pilot Chute is recomended.

    There are an endless amount of variables that would make several of the above quotes very different.

    Is there a talus? What is the overall height? What is the object? What is the landing??????????????????

    NEVER, EVER put your faith 100% in any chart or graph!
    Training and experience are the ONLY thing that can safely make determinations of new and unfamiliar jumps. That is why you must go with experienced jumpers. Not by yourself. Not until you have that experience!

    Does this help?

    Thank You

    Mick Knutson
    [|BLiNC Magazine]

    "Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."
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  3. #3
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Freefall Calculator Confusion

    [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-00 AT 01:20 PM (PST)[/font][p]I am working with Mick to try to make the table less confusing, please have patience.
    take care,

  4. #4

    RE: Freefall Calculator Confusion

    Thanks...I figured I had to be missing something obvious. I have looked at that chart a hundred times and had never noticed the word "Rock" in the first column. That clears everything up. The Jumpers Free-fall times (3rd column) and Pilot Chute (4th Column) recommendation are also inline with BR & CR's recommendations.

    Thanks again,


  5. #5

    RE: Freefall Calculator Confusion

    Space, E-mail me ASAP!!!!!!

    Thank You

    Mick Knutson
    [|BLiNC Magazine]

    "Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."
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