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Thread: How light can you load a Fox/Mojo?

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  1. #1

    How light can you load a Fox/Mojo?

    I know the ideal wing loading is .7, but what are everyone's views on a minimum loading? As I retire my Raven 3 and look at a new Fox or Mojo, I am debating the value of a 240/245 vs. a 260/265. My average exit weight is 155, which puts the wing loadings at .65/.63 and .60/.58 respectively. I want every ounce of material over my head when/if everything goes to hell, but I am cautious about underloading a canopy and making it less responsive. Anyone have thoughts on the matter that would help me make an informed decision?

  2. #2
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: How light can you load a Fox/Mojo?

    Itīs all relative to the jumpscope youīre gonna be playing in, Skill vs jump conditions expected +
    unexpected. IMHO .75 is the best all arounder, You always have to play next size up/down. Too low of a wing loading, back up scenario, Less alt loss in turbs, Manuverability is compromised, too high,acceptable object impact and sinkability rates are compromised....
    Unfortunately, all rounders arenīt the best deal. the best deal is to have individual canopies/set-ups for the individual jump criteria,and have an arsenal of performance extremes will be encountered that will exceed the envelope of performance of an all rounder but can still have a high doability with a more specific performance envelope,
    So to cut it short, what do you think your jumpscope will be? decide from there, Or buy the "Arsenal", .65-.85
    hope this helps perspectivewise

  3. #3

    RE: How light can you load a Fox/Mojo?

    I can't speak for a FOX. The Mojo however, can be safely loaded at as little as .55lbs/ft2.

    In our experience, loading the Mojos at these ratios will not produce negative effects but it will cause some limitations. For example, your maximum wind tolerance will be reduced by virtue of your reduced ability to penetrate a head wind.

    In the case of the Mojo, loading to the minimum will not automaticly cause end cell problems, an unstable canopy or other ill effects. It will however, reduce the versatility of your equipment.

    If your exit weight is 155lbs (allowing 20lbs for clothing and gear) either Mojo 240 or Mojo 260 would make a good choice. At your weight the 240 would probably be the best choice. If you ask yourself a series of questions, the answer may be obvious.

    What is your experience? How good is your canopy control? In both the preceeding questions more experience and better skills suggest the 240 and the opposite suggest the 260.

    Where do you jump? If most of your anticipated landing areas are fairly open and close to sea level-get the 240. If you anticpate jumping in the high desert and/or landing in tight spots a lot go w/ the 260.

    The lower you load a canopy, the less responsive. If this is something of concern go w/ the 240. This is what I tell people on the subject of response vs. wingloading. At my weight the Mojo 190 wil produce a very nice dynamic flare and landing. However, it requires good timing to consistently achieve, especially in tight areas. On the other hand, with my weight the Mojo 280 will never land in such a dynamic fashion but will always land soft-even if I screw up.

    All the above information serves as background to help you decide. If you were to call me on the phone and simply announce your exit weight of 155# and ask what size. I would suggest a Mojo 240.

    I hope this gives some insight. We have both sizes in stock and demos available if you want to try before you buy.

    Adam Filippino
    Consolidated Rigging, Inc.

  4. #4

    RE: How light can you load a Fox/Mojo?

    Thank you very much--this is exactly the type of information I was hoping to receive! Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    When I am finished with my research and decision making, I may contact you about those demos.

  5. #5

    RE: How light can you load a Fox/Mojo?

    Not much to add to what Adam has said, but I'll try. <G>.

    About the only benefit of a larger canopy over what we would normally recommend is softer landings. Up to a point. . .

    On ultra low jumps (if you think you'll never do these type of jumps, think about the fact everyone says that) where opening performance may be a tad more important than landing performance too large a canopy can cause problems. On these jumps a more "crisper" performance is desired.

    Turbulent conditions (I know, you'll never jump in turbulent conditions) in flight are better handled by a more heavily wing loaded canopy.

    However, your assertion that having some extra square footage in the bank should some small problem develop is a very good one.

    So, if your dilemma is a choice between the Basic Research FOX 245 or the Consolidated Rigging Mojo 240, well, I'd go for the five extra square feet for Jesus every time. :-)

    Basic Research

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