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Thread: Pilot Chutes

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Pilot Chutes

    What would most people recommend for size of pilot chute off a 460' mast. Also recommended delay.

    I was looking at 1 sec. and 42 inch, I know 46 inch would be preferable but is 42 inch acceptable.


  2. #2

    RE: Pilot Chutes

    Unless you got atleast 50 base jumps, a Z-P 46 is the minimium, if it's free-standing and you have the b____, you could use a Z-P 42. It sounds like you need someone to go with you that's more experienced, so ask for help. That way you'll come home intact and be able to go and play another day.

  3. #3

    Sucking Wind . . .


    Here's some basic help.

    You'll need Acrobat Reader.

    And some practical help.

    Be careful.


  4. #4

    RE: Pilot Chutes

    please take the other advice and get some practical application help from a local before you continue.


    consider this.

    why would you take a 1 second delay on anything as tall as a 460 ft mast?

    if something about the site dynamics demands such a short delay you would most likely be better served doing a direct bag or static line jump. what advantages would a 1 second ff delay have over the above options, (other than the obvious opportunity to actually ff the object)?

    can you answer this to your satisfaction?
    if not, more education is in order.
    more education than what size pc is appropriate.

    stay safe,


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