Yo !
Correcting off-headings: toggles vs. risers.
There has been a lot of discussion on the subject. Opinions seem to vary a lot from pro-toggle (Adam?) to pro-riser (Tom?) and everywhere in between. I have been struggling (and unable) to find a simple bulletproof solution for myself that would work in all situations. After witnessing a few cliff strikes recently i have tried to formalize my thoughts on off-heading correction. Here is how i see it:
Risers are easy to grab, you can start using them a second or so before you would get to the toggles. This timing can vary a lot, and will be extremely important when deciding between risers and toggles. Risers are also reliable - they do not jam.
On the down side, riser turns are much slower than toggle turns. They also consume more altitude - a very important factor on any jumps. Finally, riser turns often result in stalls where canopy doesn't turn much but drops down like a rock. This has been a factor in numerous cliff strikes i have observed.
Toggles take a moment to grab, and they can jam. However if you do get them fast enough, they will turn your canopy very quickly with minial altitude loss. A second that you loose reaching for the toggles has an unexpected benefit: your canopy fully pressurizes and starts to fly - thus consuming less altitude in a flat turn.
I believe that neither risers nor toggles can cover all situations. There are 2 specific areas where one approach works better than another:
#1. If you find yourself very close to a vertical wall and you have plenty of altitude directly underneath, risers are more likely to save you. One shouldn't be in this situation in the first place, though - take a longer delay and track! ;-) I notice that many people doing aerials end up opening high and close to the wall.
#2. Another situation is a jump where you take a good delay, open relatively far from an object but low over some ledges, trees, talles and such. Toggles appear to work much better in this case, giving you precious altitude to fly away from the stuff below and make the landing area.
Then there are situations when you are both close to the wall and the stuff below. Eagle's Nest (260ft cliff with rocks/trees on your left, right and below) is a fine example. I have used a riser to correct 90 right there. Canopy turned, but lost considerable altitude and barely cleared trees on a ledge below - i had to flare over them. Today i would probably go for toggles. It's a judgement call: are you more likely to hit the wall in front of you or the ledge underneath? It would be interesting to hear different opinions about this place and the subject in general.