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Thread: Altitude question

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Altitude question

    Object: 600' stack, elevator, nice landing area. Problem-Security. I'd like to do a slider up but most of the people I've jumped with say 650' is their usual min. for slider up. With this stack a "quieter" slider up on the side away from the guard house would be preferable to the crack from a slider down. Second question, what size pilot chute would you recommend for a slider up, 3 second delay? Mojo 240 canopy.

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Altitude question

    600 ft is plenty high for a mesh jump.

    i'd recommend a 42" - 45" zp pc with a 3 second delay when using the mojo.

    remember chances for an off-heading opening are increased when using that slider thingie,
    canopy time will be reduced by close to another second of ff descent.

    have fun


  3. #3

    RE: Altitude question

    I concur with kleggo on this one. I have done 485' slider up with a 1 - 3 second delay and a 42" pilot chute plenty of times. 650' is plenty I would say. Good luck, be safe.


  4. #4

    RE: Altitude question


    42" z-po by far big enuf, even pos a 38" Up to you, if in doubt, steer toward the larger size.

    have a good jump


  5. #5
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 1997
    Perigee Pro

    RE: Altitude question

    Hi Rick -

    600ft is plenty high for a mesh-slider jump. As others have already mentioned, the chances of an off-heading are increased when using a slider, especially at lower airspeeds.

    I've made 42 jumps from 480ft using a mesh-slider with no problems, although I must admit that this was over water which gives you a larger margin of safety.

    If I were to take a 3-second delay slider-up from a 600ft smokestack, I would use a 42"ZP pilot chute with direct and in-direct control on the slider. (direct control of the slider is rubber-banding the apex of the slider to center cell C line & indirect control refers to the primary stow)

    At any rate, good luck in your endeavor, consider all of your options, and have fun!


  6. #6

    RE: Altitude question

    Just a thought regarding security - if you can't beat 'em, maybe you can bribe 'em. It is amazing what a case of beer or a $20 or a ? can do for the attitude of a guard making $6.00 an hour. . .

  7. #7

    RE: Altitude question

    I usually wait until I'm caught by the security guard before I start on the bribes, some guards don't take bribes, go figure.
    I have 2 rather old canopies that I BASE jump and when I used a mesh slider on them for a 600 foot cliff they sniveled and opened too low, although when 2 of my jumping buddies used mesh sliders on their newer and smaller canopies there they were fine. Alot depends on the age and wear on a canopy as well. Big mesh sliders are faster opening also.

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