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Thread: BASE exits in a wing suit

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  1. #1

    BASE exits in a wing suit

    I am new to wingsuit flight, and after I get some more skydives with the suit under my belt, I plan to use it for BASE. I am hoping some of you can talk about some basic exit techniques again, and maybe expand on some personal secrets or good/bad experiences.
    Are exits from an antenna much different from cliffs like norway etc?
    I guess I want to know what NOT to do. Thanks birdmen for any info.


  2. #2

    RE: BASE exits in a wing suit

    Yo !

    In short, the best wingsuit exit is just like a regular tracking exit - imagine you don't have a suit on and go into subterminal track from the very first second. The suit will lift you up and start flying in a couple of seconds. The only difference is that you spread your arms and legs a bit, no big deal.

    As i found out recently ;-) antenna exits can be a bit funny when the wind is really honking. The difference is mostly mental, though - your exit technique is still the same and it works just fine. Try to ignore the wind and you'll be allright.



  3. #3

    RE: BASE exits in a wing suit

    Thanks Yuri, after I get more experience out of planes, I look forward to wing suit BASE. What kind of altitude is needed to really utilize the suit? How high are the antennas you are jumping? I have access to a 1600' antenna with a nice exit point, is that enough? Thanks for the info, does anyone else BASE wing suits often, or just the crazy Russian?

    Later, Rob

  4. #4

    RE: BASE exits in a wing suit

    1000+ feet is fun. You can go lower but it's usually not worth the trouble. There are lots of people BASEing their suits this summer - it grows exponentially with time ;-)



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