Defendants' motion to be released on bail pending appeal, defendants' motion to extend his report date, and defendants' motion to modify terms of bail are *DENIED*. Defendant Dennis McGlynn is ORDERED to self-surrender to the Bureau of Prison on or before October 8th 1999!!
"Can you believe that a tax paying individual has to goto jail over a Class B Misdemeanor?!"
Where are the criminals that chased... yes chased Frank Gambalie to his death! I'll tell you where they are. They are sitting as hero's for capturing a criminal.
Please express your disapproval of the injustice and the fleecing of our National Parks by those who "run them?" and write to:
Washoe County Jail
911 Parr Boulevard
Reno, NV 89512
(775)328-2951 - Please call to confirm address!
Make sure the wall's don't close in on us any more than they are already! "It's Our Park Too!" Isn't it??????
Please Write!
Blue Skies and believe me NPS, you'll have your day!