October 11th, 1999, 09:05 PM
Dennis is paying for Paul's death right.....
well, WHO will pay for Franks? I do not live by
your goverment's rules! I'm old enough by your ##### laws to be an ADULT. Theirfore I will live by MY own rules as well as GODS! The nps does not have the right to stop B.A.S.E. jumpers from jumping off of Cliffs that GOD Made! I made THREE B.A.S.E. JUMPS off of one of my local sites in the middle of the day in SPITE of the nps and DEDICATED those THREE jumps to Dennis and Frank!
Now Just what the ##### is the goddamn nps gonna do about it? You wanna catch me... you better bring EVERYBODY you know, cuz I will take you
to HELL!!
B.A.S.E. # 518
Still Waiting on MY HALF DOME #
EL CAP is next!!
C-ya in HELL rangers
October 13th, 1999, 01:54 AM
No truer could be spoken!
What you speak of my Brother is so damning and true. These NPS nazis know in their 'heart of hearts' that the anal zeal they pursued trying to catch Frank lead directly to his untimely death. Those who jump there in the valley at night also take that risk for fear of arrest during the daylight hours. How do they sleep at night or look at family members in the eye,knowing this isn't really law enforcement,but some mucho pissing contest that THEY SET-UP,not us. I like to think these people joined the n.p.s. to serve the public,not kill them,somehow they got got lost along the way! ,Mark
October 13th, 1999, 05:41 AM
petition time!!
how about this instead of trying to take the nps to the court room we get the help of the public.bridge day is coming what about a signing petition.seemings there are so many jumpers there some of them are not even full time base jumpers but are willing to make the step and i'm sure some may even take it up after.let's say we all try to take a piece of paper to the bridge and get as many people as possible to sign it regarding the free rights of us the people.if everyone who reads this board and is going to bridge day does this the onus is not on a single person to do the job but is up to all of us.many people will see us and talk to us and we can all cover an extremely large area.so even if we only get 20 signatures each multiply that by 300 and that puts us near 6000 .i'm doing my part what are you doing for base!!!!!
October 13th, 1999, 11:13 AM
Frank and the Nazi Punk Service
There have been a series of letters in SKYDIVING MAgazine and comments made elsewhere that Frank "made the choice" to jump into the river to escape the rangers and thus they have no culpability in his death.
Now, this is BS on its face because the NAzi Punk Service (NPS) used the informant that ratted him off and led to their stakeout, which led to their clumsy attempt at apprehension, which led to the chase, which led to Frank's death... a much more direct line of responsibility than the fact that Paul Thompson drove his own car, had his own boat and his own gear and just joined the McGlynn party at Lake Powell. Yet Dennis is in federal prison and the Nazi Punks who chased Frank are still on patrol.
Beyond that, however, is the matter of Frank's choice -- and what that choice says about the true nature and character of Chief Ranger Robert Andrews and his punks.
Think about it, Mr. Andrew, Mr. Horner and whoever the Yosemite "police chief" is:
Frank Gambalie III chose to risk death rather than surrender to you. Think about what that says about you: A person would rather risk death than be captured by you. Frank's final choice speaks more loudly and eloquently than any words possibly could about your amorality, your misplaced priorities, your _perverted_conduct.
You have now killed one skydiver pursuing a policy predicated on the personal tastes of a sexual pervert: How many more are you going to kill, gentlemen? How many more?
And how much longer are you going to pursue the pervert's policy? It was, after all, M. Scott Connelly's personal pursuit of skydivers during the late 1970s which resulted in the current policy. If you don't know this, you should check the record. Without Mr. Connelly's zeal to ##### skydivers in the arse the same way he did little boys, there would have been an intelligent and reasonable response to skydiving in Yosemite, and the adversarial relationship and hard feelings -- and death -- that occurred as a result would never have happened.
Now is the time for you to re-examine your conduct. Frank Gambalie died because of your conduct, because of a policy created by a sexual pervert. And now his protege Joe Sumner has follwed in the pervert's footsteps and has spent millions of dollars in taxpayer money and federal court time bringing the same nastiness to Lake Powell, where his vendetta is even more illegitimate than the Yosemite child molester whose philosophy you gentlemen worship.
You gentlemen forget yourselves, and you forget your mission, your raison d'etre: You are there to _manage_ park activities, not prohibit them -- that is why even the bogus regulation you use to prosecute skydivers has a provision for _permits_ to be issued. If an activity is allowed with a permit, then the very regulation itself is evidence that the activity is legitimate, to be regulated rather than prohibited.
Which means, Mr. Andrew, that your recent comment that "BASE jumping in and of itself is illegal and cannot be permitted" is a LIE. There is no regulation anywhere in the CFRs that prohibits skydiving from cliffs in NPS-controlled territory, and even if it is stipulated that CFR 2.17 applies to it, there is provision for permits that absolutely contradicts your contention. Murder , rape and robbery, in and of themselves, are illegal and cannot be permitted... you can't get a permit to do any of these things... but your own etymology betrays you when it comes to skydiving, sir: "cannot be permitted?" Yes it can be "permitted" -- all _you_ have to do is issue a permit. Period.
You said further that BASE jumping is "prohibited by regulation and has been determined by the courts to be illegal and no permit can be authorized to condone the activity."
This, too, is a LIE, Mr. Andrew. You need to read the regulation. It says you _can_ issue a permit to condone the activity -- and guess what, sir? Your accomplices in West Virginia do it every year; they issue a permit authorizing the very activity you claim "cannot be authorized."
As for the courts: They have determined not that skydiving in NPS-controlled territory is illegal, but that the NPS may prosecute people who do it _without a permit_ -- which you refuse to issue or even acknowledge the existence of.
Period. End of statement. There has been no finding whatsoever in a federal court that "BASE jumping is illegal."
This is a Nazi Punk Service _fantasy_ -- a fantasy conceived of and promulgated by a sexual pervert who plied young boys with drugs and alcohol and then videotaped himself having sex with them -- and used the power and authority of his federal office to legally abuse skydivers in exactly the same way .
Great role model, gentlemen; I'm sure you're going to have a lot of fun soon explaining why you follow his perverted lead... and you know what: Scott Connelly fucked a lot of little boys in the arse, but even _he_ didn't kill anybody with his conduct and then blame his victim for it.
Reminds me of an old song:
Mama, don't let your children grow up to be rangers
They'll become Nazis and perverts and killers and worse
Mama, don't let your children grow up to be rangers
'Cause if you do, they'll send your neighbor's child home in a hearse.
October 13th, 1999, 01:34 PM
Frank Gambalie III
I agree with Jono, we need to be heard, we need our numbers to be seen. We need to draw up a petition requesting that law be rescinded, and that BASE jumping be allowed in our national parks, especially Yosemite. Joe Castellano has been working on this for several months,but had not been able to stir up very much support, let's do it, and MY name goes first. Perhaps Fred could help us with the wording, but let's do it...we have momentum now...let's keep it going...all the way to the NPS. But let's do it in an organzied,dignified AND legal way, we need to dispel the image that BASE jumpers are reckless and irresponsible and need to be protected from themselves. Let's go!
Riccarda Mescola
October 13th, 1999, 01:41 PM
If only?..............
That of course is the perfect place to gather-up, however many before have realized that this would put us in direct confrontation with the NPS(I'm all for it). Some even feel this would be a slap to the face during their "hospitality" of "letting" us jump there. When we wake-up,we'll understand that Bridge Day wouldn't be Bridge Day without us. From the local business community all the way up to the #2 ranking Senator in Washington D.C.,for West Virginia,everyone knows we are the MAIN EVENT. SOMEDAY WE WILL HAVE TO BITE THE BULLET !!! ,Mark
October 13th, 1999, 01:56 PM
Yeah Mon !
You my friend get my vote for appointment as the nation' new 'Poet Laurate'. ,Mark
October 13th, 1999, 07:51 PM
There is no law to be rescinded
There is no law to be rescinded. Even the bogus regulation used by the Nazi Punk Service (NPS) to prosecute skydivers has provisions for permits to be issued.
So let's just for argument's sake stipulate that the air delivery regulation does apply: All the petition needs to say is: Quit refusing to issue permits. Start issuing permits.
And the mechanism is to be handled this way:
Currently, everyone in Yosmeite who camps overnight or does multi-day climbs must get a "backcountry permit." They are free and you don't have to prove you know how to camp or climb to get one. The key thing is, with that free, no conditions permit, you get literature and maybe some personalk guidance from the ranger on duty about weather, terrain, bears, etc etc.
If the NPS would start issuing permits for air delivery, it could be done very easily within the current back country perm,it structure, at minimal cost and effort. Here's how to do it:
When the backcountry permit issuer begins the process, the requester is asked "Are you planning to BASE jump?" If the answer is yes, then an air delivery permit is also issued, with an additional one page of info and advisories.
That's IT. That's all we need to do, and that's what the petition and other efforts should aim for: The demand that skydiving in Yosemite be treated just like camping, hiking and climbing.
October 14th, 1999, 05:24 PM
What can I do to help ?
My dear friends,
Jean Boenish, myself and many others have been trying to talk resonably to the National park Service for many years. We have been through several superintendants and chief rangers and the answer has always been the same. We got nothing but lies and bullshit ! Do not forget, they are the federal government. They are in charge and we mean nothing to them. We have requested permits based on a pilot program for El Capitan. We have offered to provide insurance and self-rescue capabilities. We have offered and offered and compromised, all for nothing. I can assure you that if this trend continues, more jumpers and probably a few rangers will die in the chase which is even more intense and unfounded on logic and reason than it was before. If this does not make sense to you; what about CS gas use at Waco, Texas ? What about the murder of Randy Weaver's wife with a baby in her arms at Ruby Ridge Idaho ? You are dealing with SATIN in green uniforms all the way to Washington D.C. and beyond. We are good and they are evil. It's that simple. What can I do to help ?
Earl Redfern
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