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BASE jumping is a highly dangerous sport that can severely injure and kill participants. It may kill you. The moderators of BLiNC do not recommend BASE jumping to anybody!

Read the BASE fatality list and the Fatality Statistics page and think long and hard before making a BASE jump.

@see Wiki category Problems to learn about how to handle issues that can occur while BASE Jumping.
  1. #46

    YES but BASE44 is cool and literate

    the park's perverted policy stinks O.K.

  2. #47


    I never want experiance anything that again.
    Climbimg must be stopped!
    Now what you hip hop hippies?
    no, it was not scott or frank (RIP)would be alive, mind you.

  3. #48

    responsibility vs. consequence

    I appreciate your reply, and while the Nazi references still don't sit well, I can understand and empathize with your feelings of shared responsibility, but ultimately, when someone base jumps, they must be 100% responsible for their actions because they will deal with 100% of the consequences, be they legal, tragic, or triumphant.


  4. #49

    Another remedial reading candidate reveals himself

    ONce again, kid, Frank and Jan were ultimately responsible for the choices that resulted in their deaths, but NPS's perverted policies contributed thereto and there is a body of case law supporting it.

    And once again, those choices would never have been made had NPS not continued to blindly follow the perverted practices of M. Scott Connelly for the last 20 years.

    So try having someone read my posts to you; maybe you'll understand them better that way.

  5. #50

    No problem

    I (hope I) have posted my email address if Fred Morelli wants to get in touch.

  6. #51

    Your conception and birth is an abuse of sexual pleasure and an insult to us all!!

    Long after you melt away, the parks will remain. The parks will never boast of a renewed sense of spirit, intellect, etc. because David found his peace there. Just as you have the right to visit the park in a vegetative state(with your eyes and ears half closed, and your arms crossed), BASE jumpers deserve the independence to fulfill their calling as well. Nature speaks to people in different ways. If you truly accept yourself as one with nature you would accept how others see themselves in relationship to nature. Here's an old cliche for you: Variety is the spice of life. -Isn't life grand?

  7. #52

    Robin is overdone

    Oh, let the little baby have at it. He's born to rant and whine. Frustration festers in him like a tumor. If he were to shut up, he'd explode.

  8. #53



    I don't know that it is worth trying to explain logic to you, but I can explain why you are viewed by many as a nut-case. You have to seperate the issues if you want credibility. The fact that Scott Connelly is a convicted child molester is irrelevant. To continue to rant about "perverts" and "child molesters" clouds the real issue. Leave it alone. The Nazi references do nothing for your arguments. They make you look like an idiot.

    You and I and all the other base jumpers have the same goal: Legalized jumping in National Parks. Clouding your message with raves about perverts and child molesters just confuses the issue. Even your apology to Hayes ended up insulting the gentleman. Hayes' and the rest of the general public are important to our cause. We will need more political support than the 1000 or so base jumpers we have in this country.

    Remember, the issue is we are denied equal access to National Parks. We must demand that equal access is granted, and the more politically savy and publically palatable the demands, the more likely they will be granted. Can these demands be powerful, forceful, and unrelenting? Absolutely!! But we must be clear and consise.

  9. #54

    Ouch is learning, but there's a difference twixt issue and process

    Hey there, young pup:

    Most of your last post made pretty good sense, but you ought to quit preaching to your elders and start listening a little more carefully to them and you'll learn a l ot more quicker.

    Like the old saying goes, your parents seem so dumb when you're a teenager and so much smarter after you GROW UP.



  10. #55

    Base44, missing the point

    You may either agree with what my last post said, or you may disagree. Deflecting my comments with a weak jab about my age is pointless to the argument at hand. Yes, I am younger than you and have less experience in BASE. Now that your superior position in the sport and advanced age are clear to all let's continue.

    You either agree that your previous posts with "perverts" and "Nazis" are ineffective or not. My point is that it is not effective to drag issues out of the past that cannot assist in the fight for equal access to national parks.

    Is your cause to gain access, or are you supporting self help groups for the victims of child molesters? We will gain more through concise, articulate communication than through ranting and raving.

  11. #56

    Now this guy makes sense

    If you want to do BASE jumping a service, read the post by OUCH! rebutting BASE44. He is the the kind of person we need to communicate the basic issues that BASE44 is ineffectively attempting to communicate.

    BASE44 is clueless with regard to the politics involved. Maybe he should up his dosage of prozac.

  12. #57

    Personal Responsibilty vs. Government Accountability

    While most of my sympathy at the moment lies with Tom and his family, I cannot help but be surprised at the vehemence with which skydivers and base jumpers attack each other in times like this. This is a time to support each other and join together in a common cause, not to belittle and label people. Blaming the NPS for Frank and Jan's death is illogical. Suppose that I was driving 80 mph in a 55 mph zone and a cop attempted to stop me... would everyone in this group defend my actions if I suddenly started going 120 mph to outrun the cop (because I didn't want a ticket) and ended up in a fatal accident. Would you all say that it was the government's fault for preventing me from traveling at the speed I wanted to? Would you blame the cop for chasing me? Come on! We all make our choices. Jan chose her fight and made her decisions as we all do. Part of skydiving and base jumping is understanding the risks involved and taking responsibility for yourself. Most of us are critical of American society as a whole because they always believe that someone else should be responsible for their actions. Access to federal parks is similar to access to federal airports in my mind. We should be fighting this issue in the same manner. Safety was not the reason we were thrown out of Yosemite originally so it shouldn't even be an issue. This fight needs to be taken to your elected representatives through a proper campaign. Blaming the NPS for deaths in the parks will get us nowwhere except labeled as fruitcakes. The government is not responsible if I choose to break the law (whether or not I believe that law to be right or wrong is irrelevant). If I choose to break any law, I take that risk knowing full well (as Jan did) what my options are.

  13. #58
    imported_Tom Aiello


    I wasn't aware that BASE was legal in Tuolomne.

  14. #59
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Using the Law

    Unfortunately, in U.S. law, you need a test case involoving actual parties who are harmed or otherwise effected by the law directly. It is insufficient in our courts to simply ask for review. You must first break the law, then be arrested and tried (and often must also be found guilty), then challenge the constitutionality of the law (i.e. ask for judicial review).

    That was, in fact, the entire purpose of this El Cap jump--to establish the test case required for judicial review. Without the jump, your suggested course of action is impossible--with the jump it may be feasible.

    BASE jumpers are neither stupid nor blind. In order to pursue legal avenues of redress, this "protest jump" was completely necessary.

  15. #60

    Young pup, you've lost your concentration again

    Dear fine young pup:

    My comment about your age was not a weak jab but a gentle reminder that experience and knowledge change the way you see the world, and one of the chief things experience teaches is: There is usually more to a complex situation than meets the eye.

    My experience with BASE, personally, professionally, and politically, goes back 21 years, to about two weeks after Carl Boenish and his crew made the first jumps and sent pictures of them to me in my slot as editor of Parachutist, the U.S. Parachute Association magazine. Soon after, I started BASE jumping and have continued to jump and write about it and think about how to solve the problem with the NPS.

    Twenty-one years ago, you were probably still closer to wearing diapers than you were to getting your driver's license., and so, since you dismissed my gentle reminder, try this slap upside your eager young head, because you are a smart pup and will probably be all right with a little training and discipline.

    Soooo, you said:

    "You either agree that your previous posts with "perverts" and "Nazis" are ineffective or not."

    No, pup, life is not that simple. According to what definition? You presume to know my purpose and intent and goals without bothering to even ask what they are. You equally presume to know those same things about the NPS.

    You assume that your perception, your understanding of the problem, the issues involved, its history, the micro and macro political processes associated therewith, and the interrelationships themselves, is complete. But as Marshall McLuhan said: "Environments are invisible. Their groundrules, pervasive structures and overall patterns elude easy perception."

    So from where you stand, young pup, it’s easy to make a " point is that it is not effective to drag issues out of the past that cannot assist in the fight for equal access to national parks."

    But your point is baloney. You are flat out, undeniably and utterly ...wrong. In the matter of Connelly’s Cops, past IS present and that past will help the world really see this situation for what it really is. Briefly:

    The structure of NPS’s perverted policy reflects the perversion of the person who promulgated it. NPS’s "management ban on BASE jumping" is actually no more than the SYSTEMIC MOLESTATION OF POWERLESS INDIVIDUALS BY EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS WHO USE THEIR STANDING IN THE COMMUNITY TO PREY ON WHOM THEY CHOOSE.

    The NPS policy toward BASE jumpers is a paradigm of predatory perversion... it’s a bureaucratic version of that supposedly respectable uncle -- the banker, the cop, the outstanding businessman -- who also sexually molests his nieces or nephews and then, even if they are brave enough to tell, they are not believed because who would think such a thing to be possible of good ol’ successful, favorite nice guy Uncle?

    That is precisely -- preCISEly -- what we are dealing with here: A perverted policy which mirrors the pervert who created it and that’s why I’m starting there, at the beginning, because Lao-Tzu said: Before we can understand the universe, we must call things by their right names. And after that Santayana said: Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

    Yet you don’t want to mention past evils that are intrinsically relevant to our future. Were I to presume as much as you do, young pup, I would think that maybe you came from a family where there was sexual molestation that went unchallenged and never mentioned, and then buried in the past because it has nothing to do with today.

    But I won’t and I don’t. I say this only to help you register the pattern, see the environment, understand the pervasive structure through which we are weaving today’s actions.

    No, the reason you don’t want to mention past evils that are intrinsically relevant to our future is not because you’re evil or illogical or emotionally impaired; you just don’t know any better. And this is not a presumption but an analysis based upon your comments.

    And so I’ll say this again a little differently: Shut up and listen. God gave us two ears, two eyes and one mouth so we could listen and watch four times more than we talk. I appreciate your elan and your intelligence and your confidence and that is why I bother to even treat with you, but you really need to sit back and watch and listen for a while. Trust me; in six months you’ll look back on these posts and say to yourself, "Jeez, I was really clueless, wasn’t I?"

    And to answer your final question: My cause absolutely is to gain access, AND I am supporting a self-help group for the victims of child molesters:

    BASE jumpers and NPS rangers.

    We are all of us victims of the child molester Scott Connelly, and as soon as the rangers figure that out, they’ll dump his perverted policy as quickly as they dumped him once he got arrested.

    But excuse me for ranting and raving.

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