unmoderated group

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of world-wide unmoderated Usenet newsgroup This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below.

CHANGES from previous RFD:

1) The name has been changed from rec.basejumping to
2) The RATIONALE has been changed to give a more accurate number of postings on "The B.A.S.E Board". The number has been changed from 10 to 19
postings a day.

Newsgroup lines: The discussion forum for B.A.S.E. jumpers.


Like paragliding, B.A.S.E. jumping does not have anything in common with skydiving other than the use of a parachute. B.A.S.E. jumpers jump from
fixed objects instead of aeroplanes. B.A.S.E. is an acronym describing the fixed objects that one parachutes from that are "B"uilding, "A"ntenna,
"S"pan and "E"arth. At the moment B.A.S.E. postings are mostly made to rec.skydiving and "The B.A.S.E Board" (URL can be obtained under
DISTRIBUTION). Rec.skydiving is for skydiving only and is therefore not appropiate for B.A.S.E. related topics. The B.A.S.E Board is a WWW based
medium for reading B.A.S.E. related postings, and due to the increasingly interest for the sport of B.A.S.E. jumping it is very time consuming to
read the approx. 19 postings each day on the WWW based "The B.A.S.E Board" and to scan rec.skydiving (with 200 postings a day) for B.A.S.E. related topics. It is here the newsgroup is required to unload unrelated topics from rec.skydiving and to take some of the messages from the heavily loaded B.A.S.E. Board to a better suited application (USENET).


This newsgroup is unmoderated and distributed worldwide. This newsgroup is intended for all discussions concerning B.A.S.E. jumping meaning skydiving posts are not welcome.

Appropiate topics for discussion include the following:
- Bridge day and other B.A.S.E. events worldwide.
- Gear discussions
- B.A.S.E. canopies
- Wingloading
- Containers (pin vs. velcro)
- Pilot chutes
- Wing Suits
- Packing techniques
- B.A.S.E. Classifieds (no skydiving gear)
- The laws against B.A.S.E. jumping
- Official B.A.S.E. numbering
- Get in touch with other B.A.S.E. jumpers

Inappropiate posts include:
- Skydiving topics (use rec.skydiving)
- Binary posts



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion
warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.

All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process.


This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups:

news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, rec.skydiving

and to "The B.A.S.E. Board":

This RFD may be distributed freely to other relevant newsgroups or maillists, provided the followup line (to news.groups) is unaltered.
Note that discussion regarding this RFD should be conducted only in news.groups!

Proponent: Morten Klinge Laursen