A few minutes ago I sat down and fired a quick e-mail to Mick to let him know that his efforts are not in vain.
Mick is VERY passionate about this sport. (as if I even needed to state this fact!) Please continue to take the time to contribute your opinions to his ideas, whether it is for or against. One day, we may have a "plan" that our community will be able to stand behind. It may not be the perfect plan, but it may be the plan that can see us through on this battle with the NPS.
Here are my quick, scribbled thoughts to Mick...
Bryan wrote:
Hey Bro -
I don't have much time, so this must be quick...
You sounded really down on the phone last night.
Please don't give up and DO NOT even think that your efforts are in vain.
There are countless people that appreciate your
There are so many issues that must be worked out in our community before we can come together with a solid plan of action.
YOU are the one that is bringing the plans to the
dinner table.
Through this action, the community can take your ideas and build upon them and mold them until we have a plan that is solid enough for the majority of the community to stand behind.
Please spend some time with Adam at CR and others. Evaluate the path that they have already taken and discover the pitfalls that they have identified. Build upon that base. Take today's considerations and combine them with yesterday's findings and you will find a suitable mix.
I am spending HOURS and HOURS each and every day
trying to produce a written argument that will
validate our stance to the general public. Right now, that is how I am directing my efforts to our cause. Many others are willing to help, even though they may not see the same direction as you.
NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Your enduring passion (and
others) is what this community needs to see it
Please continue your work; utilize your time
effectively by working closely with other experts who ultimately have the same goals as you.