----------- RESULT ---------------
unmoderated group rec.sport.basejumping fails 70:24
There were 70 YES votes and 24 NO votes, for a total of 94 valid votes. There were 4 abstentions and 2 invalid ballots.
For a group to pass, YES votes must be at least 2/3 of all valid (YES and NO) votes. There must also be at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes.
A five day discussion period follows this announcement. Unless serious allegations of voting irregularities are raised, the group may not be voted on again for six months.
Newsgroups line:
rec.sport.basejumping The discussion forum for B.A.S.E. jumpers.
Voting closed at 23:59:59 UTC, 24 Jan 2000.
This vote was conducted by a neutral third party. Questions about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.
Proponent: Morten Klinge Laursen <klinge@njfk.dk>
Votetaker: Dave Cornejo <dave@dogwood.com>
RATIONALE: rec.sport.basejumping
Like paragliding, B.A.S.E. jumping does not have anything in common with skydiving other than the use of a parachute. B.A.S.E. jumpers jump from fixed objects instead of aeroplanes. B.A.S.E. is an acronym describing the fixed objects that one parachutes from that are "B"uilding, "A"ntenna, "S"pan and "E"arth. At the moment B.A.S.E. postings are mostly made to rec.skydiving and "The B.A.S.E Board" (URL can be obtained under DISTRIBUTION). Rec.skydiving is for
skydiving only and is therefore not appropiate or B.A.S.E. related topics. The B.A.S.E Board is a WWW based medium for reading B.A.S.E. related postings, and due to the increasingly interest for
the sport of B.A.S.E. jumping it is very time consuming to read the approx. 19 postings each day on the WWW based "The B.A.S.E Board" and to scan rec.skydiving (with 200 postings a day) for B.A.S.E. related topics. It is here the newsgroup rec.sport.basejumping is required to unload unrelated topics from rec.skydiving and to take some of the messages from the heavily loaded B.A.S.E. Board to a better suited application (USENET).
CHARTER: rec.sport.basejumping
This newsgroup is unmoderated and distributed worldwide. This newsgroup is intended for all discussions concerning B.A.S.E. jumping, meaning skydiving posts are not welcome.
Appropiate topics for discussion include the following:
- Bridge day and other B.A.S.E. events worldwide.
- Gear discussions
- B.A.S.E. canopies
- Wingloading
- Containers (pin vs. velcro)
- Pilot chutes
- Wing Suits
- Packing techniques
- B.A.S.E. Classifieds (no skydiving gear)
- The laws against B.A.S.E. jumping
- Official B.A.S.E. numbering
- Get in touch with other B.A.S.E. jumpers
Inappropiate posts include:
- Skydiving topics (use rec.skydiving)
- Binary posts
rec.sport.basejumping Final Voter list
Voted YES
alxx#tig.com.au Alex Gibson
raczy#fucam.ac.be Come Raczy
speirs#chebucto.ns.ca "Robert J.N. Speirs"
trevort#vianet.on.ca Trevor Tymchuk
CraigWyllie#sympatico.ca Craig Wyllie
tim#408broad.com Tim Marek
A7WIENS#aol.com Andrew Wiens
FREFALLGUY#aol.com Marc W. Garber
JSBIRD69#aol.com Jay Smith
SirSkyGodd#aol.com Levin Jackson
SteveHigdn#aol.com Steve Higdon
kimdv#best.com Kim DeVaughn
william.warner#bms.com William A Warner
bbeauregard#CIBER.com Brian P Beauregard
craigf#cryogen- craig g fenstermaker
Christian.Fredriksson#ericsson.com Christian Fredriksson
smlucas#famvid.com Steven Lucas
mike.forbes#gentire.com Michael P Forbes
der_poot#hotmail.com Nathan Blaesing
toejam_78#hotmail.com Toejammn Mann
trimblec#hotmail.com Craig=20
kamlet#infinet.com Arthur Kamlet
John#JumpShack.com John B. sherman
wiz#lart.com Mike Craig
acsmith#loudoun.com Skip Smith
cjsonnack#mmm.com Christopher Sonnack
webbslingr#email.msn.com paul webster
tina#aftershock.neosoft.com Tina Marie
salazar#popd.ix.netcom.com Rick Salazar
glb#ontis.com Glenn Banack
squid#panix.com Yeoh Yiu
davep#reactv.com Dave Pifke
andreas.hahn#sap.com Andreas Hahn
anne#skydiveworld.com Anne Heck
base416#yahoo.com Yuri Kuznetsov
jlbearden#zdnetonebox.com Jerry Bearden
Ekkehard.Uthke#gmx.de Ekkehard Uthke
de#kholdan.snafu.de Tobias Erle
chris.sester#t-online.de Christian Sester
bouvin#daimi.au.dk Niels Olof Bouvin
klinge#njfk.dk Morten Klinge
pope#mail1.stofanet.dk Povl H. Pedersen
hfung#CSUPomona.Edu Henry Fung
ccq#CS.Stanford.EDU Chris Quaintance
greggf#ufl.edu Gregg Fahrenbruch
credward#email.unc.edu Catherine Edwards
faulkner#eco.utexas.edu Wendy Faulkner
rufinus#mbe.ece.wisc.edu J Rufinus
williamsca#wku.edu Curtis Williams
peedu#skydive.ee Reiko Teepere
fyr news#nabab.teaser.fr Francois Ranchin
doc#america.net Rob Wynne
quietman#cysoft.net Quietman
bodypilot#gmx.net Gerjo Hultink
jmh#gmx.net Jan Haar
rnpilot#hawaiian.net Patricia Brooks
daveg#idt.net Dave Gaige Jr.
derekc#pdq.net Derek
gg#precision.net George Galloway
reagan#online.no Kristen Reagan
daedalus#inet.net.nz Daedalus
kb5cng#amsat.org R.L. Bo Thompson
craig#poxon.org Craig Poxon
djb#v2000.scream.org Dan Birchall
Przemyslaw.Klimek#fuw.edu.pl Przemyslaw Klimek
olow#spray.se Olow Svonni
alex.dawson#uea.ac.uk Alex Dawson
Voted NO
pelikan#start.com.au silverpelican feather
sforsell#aol.com Scott Forsell
stainles#bga.com Dwight Brown
janus#cwo.com Keith Adams
david#farrar.com David Farrar
mick.knutson#headland-media.com Mick Knutson
gprrspw#mindspring.com G.P. Ryan
r5555c#email.sps.mot.com Alan Chapman
Kerry.Ellis#msdw.com Gerhard Erhis
olav#viking.mv.com Olav Nieuwejaar
tgm#netcom.com Thomas G. McWilliams
gareth#riscos.com Gareth J Dykes
Abhay.Natu#wcom.com Abhay Natu
naddy#mips.rhein-neckar.de Christian Weisgerber
rick#bcm.tmc.edu Richard H. Miller
ellis#ftel.net Rick Ellis
kneecap#netnet.net Neal Cappel
mmontcha#OregonVOS.net Matthew Montchalin
evert#royal.net Evert Meulie esq
peteralf#softhome.net Peter Alfredsen
murray-paul#usa.net Paul Murray
denebeim#deepthot.aurora.co.us Jay Denebeim
mcclenon#erols.com Bob McClenon
chris#kzim.com Christopher Robin Zimmerman
philk#telerama.com Philip Knight
spengo90210#yahoo.com SPENGO DIECI RACCONTI
Invalid ballots
peanut4040#aol.com Peanut4040
! No vote statement in message
slefenda#hotmail.com Sieglinde Lefenda
! No vote statement in message
To restore the email addresses above, pipe the ack list through the following command:
sed -e 's/#/@/g'
Voting question & problems: Dave Cornejo <dave@dogwood.com>
Voting address: vote@dogwood.com