Give us a break Jerri Badenhop.:9
Sounds like you are the paranoid one Jerri. We (many jumpers in the community) are bored with hearing the IPBC organizers (including you now) put down Robin ever since they stabbed him in the back. You don't know that he post all these negative opinions about the IPBC. But isn't it fun and easy for you to accuse him without any evidence. In one sentence, you used six negative adjectives in describing him. GROW UP!!!! Don't call people names, that's what little immature kids do. :'(
The fact is (and the numbers show it), that a lot of people don't like the IPBC. So you say to that, "If it's not your bag, then fine. Not everyone is good at competing."
HELLO - is there anyone in there?
It's not that we're not good at competing, we just don't want to waste our money.
If the IPBC and it's organizers would not have tried to give the impression that they represent our community, then there probably wouldn't be so much animosity towards them, beside the fact that they attack people, like Robin, in pursuit to gain more power. BAD POLITICS. x(
HERE IT IS: The IPBC organizers do NOT represent us (the BASE community) so please do NOT try to or say you do, etc. You want evidence to show you that the BASE community really feels this way, then look at the facts. There used to be over 40 competitors at the tombstone challenge, this year they couldn't even get 20. We all know why we're not interested in those organizers -- cause of the stuff they pull, and the fact that they are in it for the money. Like you said yourself Jerri, your husband made an investment, not a donation.
For the record: It is NOT the IPBC that is advancing our sport. It is the individual jumpers and gear manufactures that are advancing our sport. These people are doing there own thing and it is them who advances technology and techniques. :-)
People probably post anonymously because they have seen how those organizers will attack them viciously for speaking out. I don't blame them, I posted anonymously for this reason. If I ever want to go back to the New River and jump on bridge day I don't want your husband to say, "You're not my friend, so you can't play."