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Thread: Thank You I.P.B.C.

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  1. #1

    Thank You I.P.B.C.

    I rarely read the BASE Board these days, but it seems that every time I do there's a certain amount of bitching about the I.P.B.C. Someone is making some pretty heavy accusations that are NOT true! As for the organizers getting rich off of the jumpers, ha-ha! What a joke. I can attest to the fact that at least one of the organizers
    (my husband) puts money out of his own pocket to put on these events - the CASH prizes at Moab this year came right out of his wallet! It's called
    an investment.
    I'm inclined to think that all the anon posts thrashing the I.P.B.C. and the organizers is just one person. One paranoid, jealous, poisonous and
    dastardly little person sitting in his little trailer like a rat, with no life and in order to make himself feel better he just posts, and posts replies to himself, and posts replies to his replies! All anonymously - how ingenious.
    Anyway, the I.P.B.C has been working hard to advance the sport of B.A.S.E. for YEARS. No one can take that wawy from them, and there are many who know that and who will remain loyal. If it's not your bag, then fine. Not everyone is good at competing.
    My husband refuses to get on this board and get into a 'pissing contest' with anyone - Since I'm female, my testosterone level is a bit lower ;-)
    Go ahead Robin, er, I mean anon, thrash away at me, I'm such a threat, aren't I?
    The point I'm trying to make is just this - it's getting old. And boring. The I.P.B.C is not going to go away.

  2. #2

    RE: Thank You I.P.B.C.

    Hi Jerri,

    I'm not Robin, but I do see what goes on in here. Tell me exactly what has the IPBC done for BASE? Thats the story, how much IPBC has done for BASE, I just don't see it. Yes, they organize an avenue for jumpers to compete at jumping off of stuff, for the 5 or 10 percent of jumpers who want to compete. Most jumpers compete only with themselves and that's not likely to change.

    99% of BASE is undeground and always will be. Remember, this stuff is still illegal and other than cliffs in Moab, the Perrine, and BD, it will remain that way. Had the IPBC opened a single new site for legal jumping through it's dubious efforts, you could then say with a straight face "how much the IPBC has done for BASE".

    In the mean time the IPBC has done for itself what it does, and thats OK, since most jumpers see what it's about and choose not to participate. For those that do, I'm sure they enjoy it and that it's worth the money. Please, just don't try to sell the IPBC as benefactors of BASE when the are not.


  3. #3

    RE: Thank You I.P.B.C.

    In my view, the IPBC has great value to those jumpers who participate.

    Here's why I choose to pay the $250 and show up to every IPBC event I can make:

    1) A great opportunity to see and learn from a variety of jumpers, most more experienced than I, all with their own jumping styles (and hence their own insights into jumping technique). Where else could someone with 100 jumps (me) have sat between two guys with 700 and 900 jumps at dinner, and just talked about BASE?

    2) A chance to corner particular jumpers who I want to ask questions. Where else could a guy with 200 jumps (me) have asked a someone with 1000 jumps for a short course on pilot chute folding?

    3) An excellent way to meet people I might otherwise never encounter, who I can then jump with when I wander through their neigborhoods.

    4) A fun time to be had, hanging out with new and old friends.

    Sure, you could have all these things by just being around at the event. But, if everyone did that, the IPBC couldn't put on the event, and then no one would show up, and then you couldn't get these things.

    I know, and respect, several jumpers who have chosen not to participate in the IPBC. That's their choice, and in the words of one IPBC champion, "good on them." I choose to participate. As far as I know, no one thinks less of me for it.

    You may debate the value of the actual competition. You may object to the idea of introducing competition into an activity where often mere survival is victory enough. Or you may think that the IPBC doesn't have "extreme" enough comps (maybe they ought to stage aerial comps off that cliff in Utah, or have low pull elimination rounds at Bridge Day, or whatever).

    However, in my opinion, Avery and Dennis (and Harry), and everyone else who helps organize (like their wives, who put up with an amazing amount), are doing a bang up job. They have been able to organize a group of the most (rightfully) egoistic, sometimes arrogant, and often just plain cantankerous folks the world has ever seen. And they continue to hold competitions with no fatalities in one of the world's most dangerous sports. Sure, there have been disagreements. Sure, there have been questionable calls.

    But God knows I (for one) don't have the balls to step forward and take on a task like that.

    So, yes, I'll go on paying my money and showing up at the comps (and placing 37th). And I'll continue to be glad for the chance.

    Thank You, IPBC.

    --Tom Aiello

  4. #4

    RE: Thank You I.P.B.C.

    I agree with Jerri. Sounds like one cowardly person posting and then responding to his own posts. If you don't want to compete in the IPBC, don't. If you don't like what the IPBC says, don't listen. This is America. Find something constructive to do.

  5. #5

    RE: Thank You I.P.B.C.

    I too would like to thank the I.P.B.C. for all that they have done. In answer to the question what has the I.P.B.C. done for the sport? The I.P.B.C. has now created statistics that we can reference when we are in a battle to open new legal sites. The battle in Yosemite is far from over.

    I've been to every I.P.B.C. event except one BD. Avery, Dennis & Harry not to mention dozens of others work very hard to bring these events together. I'd also like to thank each & every competitor also. If it wasn't for you guys & gals I wouldn't be able to be there. Your entry fees Help me get there so I can have the privlige of being a judge again.

    Once again thank you I.P.B.C.

    oh congrats to Brenda & Karen for their first place finishes in Landings & openings

    your humble landing judge

  6. #6

    RE: now who's bitching?

    Give us a break Jerri Badenhop. :9

    Sounds like you are the paranoid one Jerri. We (many jumpers in the community) are bored with hearing the IPBC organizers (including you now) put down Robin ever since they stabbed him in the back. You don't know that he post all these negative opinions about the IPBC. But isn't it fun and easy for you to accuse him without any evidence. In one sentence, you used six negative adjectives in describing him. GROW UP!!!! Don't call people names, that's what little immature kids do. :'(

    The fact is (and the numbers show it), that a lot of people don't like the IPBC. So you say to that, "If it's not your bag, then fine. Not everyone is good at competing."

    HELLO - is there anyone in there?

    It's not that we're not good at competing, we just don't want to waste our money.

    If the IPBC and it's organizers would not have tried to give the impression that they represent our community, then there probably wouldn't be so much animosity towards them, beside the fact that they attack people, like Robin, in pursuit to gain more power. BAD POLITICS. x(

    HERE IT IS: The IPBC organizers do NOT represent us (the BASE community) so please do NOT try to or say you do, etc. You want evidence to show you that the BASE community really feels this way, then look at the facts. There used to be over 40 competitors at the tombstone challenge, this year they couldn't even get 20. We all know why we're not interested in those organizers -- cause of the stuff they pull, and the fact that they are in it for the money. Like you said yourself Jerri, your husband made an investment, not a donation.

    For the record: It is NOT the IPBC that is advancing our sport. It is the individual jumpers and gear manufactures that are advancing our sport. These people are doing there own thing and it is them who advances technology and techniques. :-)

    People probably post anonymously because they have seen how those organizers will attack them viciously for speaking out. I don't blame them, I posted anonymously for this reason. If I ever want to go back to the New River and jump on bridge day I don't want your husband to say, "You're not my friend, so you can't play."

  7. #7

    RE: now who's bitching?

    The IPBC puts a professional image to BASE-Jumpers to the general public.

    Thank You

    Mick Knutson :D
    [|BLiNC Magazine]

    "Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."
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  8. #8

    RE: now who's bitching?

    Stop cross posting in different threads!

    I have a limited amount of time available to surf this site and follow the freak show drama.
    Don't waist my entertainment dollars(time) with cross posting.
    My brain is much faster than my modem you know ;-)

    I want brand new laughs in each post. And another thing, the simple name calling is getting old. How about some genuine soap opera stuff, you know-love triangles, homos, back from the dead. Yeah that's it. Robin is really in LOVE with Avery, but the jealous ghost of a dead jumper want's to steal all the glory for organizing a bunch of people as they fall off a cliff.

    Keep on bitch slappin'

    Public arguing is doing wonders for our image :D

  9. #9

    Let's talk about Dr. Thong

    Tip: When rock climbing, try not to have the doctor climbing above you in a thong.:)

  10. #10
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    Jun 1997
    Perigee Pro

    RE: Let's talk about Dr. Thong


    I love your sense of humor!


    And I think I might have nightmares tonight about the doctor...



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