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Thread: The new NPS "Management Policy" on Wilderness Parachuting

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  1. #1

    The new NPS "Management Policy" on Wilderness Parachuting

    Finally the NPS has put in writing what it always denied: It actively singles out and discriminates against wilderness parachutists.

    Notice everyone that this is NOT a new regulation, despite the "" designation. It is a management policy only, and thus it can be changed on a moment's notice, so don't anyone lose heart about it.

    In fact, we should all send notes of thanks to the NPS for publishing this rule because the NPS has basically just shot itself in the head:

    In declaring it as an "inappropriate public use activity," it does not in any way shape or form explain WHY it is inappropriate or why it makes an exception at the New River Gorge Bridge.

    Moreover, this "policy statement" is false on its face: BASE jumping is absolutely, positively, unequivocally NOT prohibited by 36 CFR 2. 17(3), which says ONLY that a PERMIT is required for such use.


    Just like camping, or going into the backcountry, or a host of other public uses that the NPS has not (yet) declared "inappropriate."

    BOTH of these activities are "prohibited" by the "logic;" the only difference is: Permits ARE issued for those activites.

    Thus is the NPS BASE managment policy statement a deliberate and documented LIE by the National Park Service, promulgated because it desperately seeks to justify its continuing discrimination against and bigotry toward wilderness parachutists.

    Thanks for putting it in writing, gentlemen. NOw that you have admitted that it is a NPS-wide policy, and not just the individual policies of individual managers, it means we now have an actual target -- Robert Stanton, the NPS director, who I'm sure is going to want to know EXACTLY which of his subordinates put him in the crosshairs.

  2. #2

    Hang Gliding with a canopy?

    Great thoughts Robin. Do you have Robert Stanton's mail address? How do I request a permit? If I fill his office with permits, one has to be issued. Or everything declared illegal, including camping and other various activities such as rock climbing and ice climbing. Hang gliding, that is the killer. So, I can't run off with my canopy open, but if I fly a rigid wing airfoil that starts open, then it is okay? OK, so how about a single layer canopy that has really been starched bad, so it always stays open. Or, maybe reinforced with some metal or other polymers possibly? Or not a ram air, but a pressurized and sealed canopy? When will that become different than BASE jumping? I agree, NPS has shot itself in the foot. Maybe Frank or Jan whispered something in one of the NPS's ears like
    "It would help to write this down as a policy."

  3. #3

    RE: The new NPS "Management Policy" on Wilderness Parachuting

    Bravo Robin!

  4. #4

    NPS Director changed

    Robert Stanton left the directorship at the change in administration. Dennis Galvin (who we all watched on the 60 Minutes II BASE story) is the acting Director of the NPS. Look for a new guy in the coming months. Galvin's address:

    National Park Service
    Office of the Director
    1849 C Street, NW Rm 3316
    Washington, DC 20240

    Keep those cards and letters coming in!:7

  5. #5

    RE: The new NPS "Management Policy" on Wilderness Parachuting

    given the fact that the new presidents dad made a big deal out of skydiving, youd think that with a "change in administration" we'd have a little leverage as far as a change of attitude. Maybe a few letters to pres. bush or at least higher than the nps might not be a bad idea, or at least a comment to the "director" about this fact. Wonder if daddy bush would like to do a BASE jump? hmmmmmmmnnnnn...

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